Chapter 3

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"Hey guys," Herc greeted the two as they walked back into the room. He and Laf had changed into their boxers and t-shirts already- it was any college kid's version of pj's.

"Get changed, then we can do something," Laf said. Alex and John turned away from each other as they got dressed. Alex pulled on a pair of red boxers and a white t-shirt. When he turned around, he saw that John had changed into a light blue long-sleeved shirt, with pink boxers. John reached a hand up and absent-mindedly ruffled his hair.

"Alright, Alex," Herc said, "you're playing some catch-up. The three of us have been having sleepovers for years. To get to know you, we're gonna play a little 'Would You Rather?'."

Laf flipped off the lights so that the room was left with only the twinkling of their Christmas lights. The four sat in a circle on the floor. John put his poofy hair into a braid and pulled out the flowery headband he had from his bag. He pulled it on his head with ease. Alex wondered how long it had taken him to get that good with his hair.

"We each get one pass," Laf explained, "but after that we show NO mercy."

"I'll go first," Herc said. "Laf, would you rather burn to death or drown?"

"Drown," he said quickly. "I've had a lot of burns from trying to teach this one how to cook," he explained to Alex, gesturing to Herc. Herc smiled sheepishly.

"John," Laf said, "would you rather watch a million sunrises or a million sunsets?"

"Sunsets," he said, his cheeks glowing. Alex smiled. It really brought out his freckles. "I like to remember that every day ends in beauty."

"Aw. Wasn't that sweet."

The four looked up. They had forgotten to close the door. Thomas was standing in the doorway.

"You forgot this," he grunted, tossing a hairbrush at John.

"This isn't even mine," John said, looking down at the brush.

"Well, it is now," Thomas snapped. "Are you staying here tonight?"

"I thought I told you that I was alre-"

"Well, you thought wrong!"

Thomas bent down to John's face, only inches away.

"You ask when you want to do something like this. Got it?"

John nodded. Alex didn't like the look on John's face.


Thomas didn't look up.

"Hey- Jeffershit, I'm talking to you."

That got his attention. Thomas turned his head to Alex, daggers in his eyes.

"Why don't you get out of my room before I cave in your skull.

Thomas smirked and stood at full height. He looked like he was about to challenge him, but something in Thomas's face changed, and he stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

The four sat in silence.

"What no-good, son of a BITCH DOES HE THINK HE IS?" Herc shouted. He cried out in anger and punched him pillow repeatedly.

"John, how the HELL do you put up with him?" Laf asked, fuming. "He just comes in here, acting like he owns the place- acting like he owns you-"

"Shut up."

John had his face in his knees and his shoulders were shaking. He was crying silently. "Please shut up."

The other 3 watched him in stunned silence.

"I don't n-need you to tell me- again- that this is a bad relationship. I'm trying my best, okay?"

Another moment passed.

"Can we just- talk? Instead of play the game?" John asked, lifting his head and wiping his eyes on his sleeve.

"Of course," Herc said gently. Alex knew that they must be feeling bad for adding to John's pain.

John grabbed a sketchbook and a pencil out of his bag and flipped to an empty page. He began to draw a sunflowers.

"Do you want to talk about-"

"No." John already knew what they were going to say. "Let's just get Alex caught up."


They talked about a series of things, but none were very notable topics. After about 20 minutes of nothing talk, they decided to call it a night and learn more about each other another day. All were too tired.

"I made a group chat, by the way," Laf said as he climbed up to his bunk. "Text that if you need anything. Goodnight, guys."



"See you in the morning."

As they fell asleep to the sounds of their own breathing, Alex noticed that John was still drawing his sunflowers, but now he had earbuds in. Alex pulled out his phone and sent John a text.

I know we don't know each other well yet, but Laurens, I like you a lot. Please come to me if you need ANYTHING. I don't know what I would do if you were going through something and I hadn't known to help you

A moment later-

haha thank you alex❤❤i'll come to you if i need anything

Alex smiled. It was something. He laid his head down and tried to drift off, but his phone buzzed again about 10 minutes later.

i'm glad you came here

Alex smiled.

I'm pretty sure I would go insane without you here this year. That means a lot, Laur, thanks :)

anytime :)

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