Chapter 18

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AN: hey guys, this is going to be the last chapter. I know it's a very abrupt end, but I don't have any ideas or motivation anymore. I'm sorry. I hope you all have enjoyed!

It was finally Halloween. Alex awoke with a start by John shaking him.

"IT'S HALLOWEEN!!" John screeched, jumping up and down like a five-year old on steroids. A pillow came hurling down from one of the top bunks and hit John hard in the head, causing him to collapse back on his bunk.

"Hey!" he said, rubbing his head as he looked up at Herc, who had thrown the pillow. "Not cool!"

"IT'S 5:45 IN THE MORNING!" Herc yelled.

"I had to make sure you guys were hyped up for spooky day," he said, pouting and crossing his arms. Alex smiled.

"I'll be ready for spooky day in a few hours," Alex said, rolling back over, as Laf let out a loud snore. He had managed to sleep through all the racket.

Alex heard John huff "Fine!" and he smiled as he closed his eyes again.

After what seemed like five minutes of sleep, Alex was woken up again in the same manner, of John screaming and Herc throwing another pillow at him. Alex checked his phone and was pleased to see that it was at least 9 now.

Alex stood up groggily and stretched. He smiled at John, who was dressed in black jeans and an orange sweater.

"Would a pumpkin spice latte kick off your spooky day?" he asked, pulling on a hoodie and some pants. John's eyes widened and he grinned, nodding quickly.

The two headed out across campus to the coffee shop Aaron worked at. The buildings looked so beautiful with the autumn sunshine radiating off of them, and the leaves falling all around.

Alex and John grabbed a table when they got there and Alex paid for their drinks. They sat sipping their steaming mugs and looking outside at the golden reflections.

"Excited for tonight?" Alex asked. John nodded happily.

"I've been counting down to this day since last year!" he exclaimed. "Also, not to brag, but I look great in my costume."

Alex smiled.

"No one's even gonna see it coming," he said. "We'll have the best costumes for sure!"

After finishing the coffee, the two split ways to head to the few classes they had for the day. When they got back, the four of them grabbed dinner before heading back to the frat to change into their costumes.

Laf and Herc were done changing first, looking wonderful as Chandler and Duke. They headed downstairs to help set everything up as Alex finished changing and John put on his makeup.

"Ready for the reveal?" John called from the bathroom.

"Absolutely!" Alex called back. He stood, waiting to see.

John walked out in his wonderful yellow costume, with a signature yellow flower crown, and makeup to match it with autumn colors. Alex stood in awe of how amazing he looked.

"John- I- wow," he said. "You look- wow."

John laughed.

"You don't look so bad yourself," he said shyly.

Alex took a step forward and John felt his breath catch in his throat.

"Um, John," Alex said quietly, "there's something I've been meaning to tell y-"

With a burst of confidence, John stood up on his tip-toes and kissed Alex deeply. Alex's eyes widened in shock before he kissed back, grabbing John's hips and pulling his close.

"Uh, I like you," said Alex breathlessly, when they finally pulled apart. John smiled.

"I like you too, Alex."

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