Chapter 10

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John knocked on Thomas's door. He had two hoodies and a book in his arms that he needed to return.

A second later, Thomas opened the door. His face turned sour when he saw who it was.

"Um, here's your stuff," John said quietly, handing it over. Thomas grabbed it roughly and was about to slam the door in his face, but John stopped him.

"Can we talk for a few minutes? Please?" he said. Thomas glared at him, but moved aside so John could come into the room.

James was sitting on John's old bed. Thomas snapped at him, and James left immediately.

Thomas used to do that to John. Snap at him so he would do whatever he wanted.

John shook the thought from his head and sat down uncomfortably.

"What?" Thomas said after a few awkward seconds of silence.

"You don't have to go," John said, looking down at his hands.

"And why's that?"

John looked back up.

"You don't have to go because of me," he said. "I know you've wanted to go here for forever. Since 8th grade," he said. "I wouldn't want to take that away from you."

Thomas looked him up and down.

"What, do you want me back or something?" he said, softer this time.

John shook his head.

"You still did awful things to me," he said, sounding more confident than he felt. "Don't think I've forgotten the years of abuse." John paused. "But I don't want you to feel like you have to go."

Thomas looked at John for a second.

"Do you know why I wanted to come here?"

John shook his head.

"It's because you did. You became obsessed with going here in 7th grade, so I became obsessed with it in 8th. It was your dream to study what you wanted here. It was never mine," he said. John was confused. Was Thomas trying to be nice? But then, Thomas continued, saying something much more in character for him.

"I didn't want to follow you here for something romantic shit reason," he said. "That's how it started, yes. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. But then I changed. I don't give a fuck anymore. I followed you here because you were easy. Easy to use. Easy to manipulate. Easy to force to do whatever I wanted you to do." John felt tears pricking at his eyes. "I'm not coming crawling back to you, dipshit. You're not the only person who's easy. So that's why I'm going. With James. To a new place where I won't spend 4 years of my life miserable."

"Why on earth would you knowingly do that to a human being?" John said, his voice cracking. "Do you have any idea the amount of trauma you put me through? The memories I'll never forget with you and about our relationship aren't good ones. The first time you yelled at me, snapped at me, hit me-" He stopped. "The first time you forced yourself on me," he continued, a tear rolling down his cheek. "That's what I remember. And it's screwed me up for myself and for any kind of future relationship I might try to have. Don't you feel slightly sorry? At all?"

Thomas shook his head immediately.

"Not my problem," he said. "Listen, we never have to see each other again. Go. I'm moving out in two days."

John stood up, anger surging through him.

"Well, I hope you find what you're looking for," he said. "And I hope that James actually survives this shit. I wouldn't have if I had stayed with you for any longer."

He walked out, slamming the door behind him. He shakily took himself back to his room, and opened the door to see Alex on his bed, writing.

"Hey John!" Alex said. He shut his laptop and looked up, his face falling immediately as he saw the tears on John's cheeks. "Woah, what happened?" he said, coming over and putting his hand on his shoulders, guiding him over to sit down on the bed.

"He doesn't care," John said quietly. "He never did." He looked up at Alex. "Am I that unloveable?"

Alex shook his head immediately.

"John, what are you talking about? You're the most kind, caring, adorable, selfless person I've ever met. You deserve ONLY to be loved," he said.

John looked at the floor.

"I asked him if he felt sorry for all the things he's done to me," he said. "And he wasn't. And he doesn't care about me at all. And now he's doing the same shit he did to ME to James Madison. And he still doesn't care." John shook his head. "How does someone even become that heartless?"

Alex felt himself grow hot with anger, but he kept it in control.

"Sometimes people find something really, really good. And then they take it for granted," he said. "You were taken for granted. But that doesn't decrease your value or make you any less loved." Alex looked over and wiped a tear from John's cheek. "You just need time to heal," he whispered. "I don't have all the answers. But I promise I can help you," he said.  "There are counseling resources right on campus. They can help you. I'll get an appointment set up with a therapist, okay?"

John sniffled and nodded.

"Alex, I'm so sorry," he said. "I'm really hurt. I don't know what to do."

Alex tilted John's chin so that they were looking each other in the eyes.

"You don't need to know what to do," Alex said firmly. "But you do need to know that you are valuable and loved. One person's shitty treatment doesn't define who you are. I know you. You're the boy who draws sunflowers and listens to music all night. You only use lowercase letters when you text. You wear flowercrowns that you make yourself. You're better at fashion and makeup than anyone I know. You had a turtle named Tuffles when you were little. And you're a phenomenal friend and human being who deserves to be loved correctly. I wouldn't know all this if I didn't care. And I'm not the only one who does. I promise."

John's eyes welled up with tears. He hugged Alex tightly.

"Thank you," he whispered into Alex's shoulder. Alex just smiled and held him close.

Ah sorry for the angsty chapter. But hey two updates in a day go me!

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