Chapter 15

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TW: homophobia, the f-slur

John's glasses came in that Thursday. He was still getting used to actually being able to see again, so lucky for Alex, he was paying more attention to his environment and not the longing glances Alex was giving him.

"Alright hoes, Halloween is in two weeks and we need costumes," Herc said, when the four were at lunch together. "Our frat is hosting a party that night so we need to impress."

There was silence around the table.

"Well?" Herc said impatiently. Laf smirked.

"Do you have any ideas?" he asked, taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"No, that's why I asked you!" he said urgently, waving his hands around.

"Calm down, we have two weeks," said Alex.

"Yeah, Halloween is my favorite holiday, but I'd rather not speed up all of autumn," John agreed.

Alex looked at his watch. He had to go to Formal Logic.

"I've got to go to class," he said, standing up. "See you guys later!" The other three waved at him as he headed out of the dining hall.


"Alright, class, we're going to watch this Presidential debate from the last election and break down the quality of the arguments afterwards," said Professor Washington, pulling down a projecting screen. He clicked on his computer to start the video, and the hideous face of Donald Trump appeared.

Alex rolled his eyes and put his hand down on his desk. That idiot gave him a headache. He tried to tune out the whining voice while still listening to the argument, but that proved to be difficult.

Alex felt something pelt him in the back of the head. He turned around and saw the smug face of Charles Lee smirking at him. He looked down at the floor and saw a crumpled up piece of paper. Alex bent down and took it, opening it as he faced back at the front of the room.

It said only three words:

Sit down, faggot.

Alex felt himself grow hot with anger. He scrunched the paper up tightly in his hand and shoved it deep into his backpack, which, unfortunately, had other papers with similar messages from Charles Lee.

Alex wasn't ashamed of his sexuality. But he never exactly came out. He just didn't think it was necessary.

He really wasn't sure how Charles knew, but he assumed that he was just calling his those crude things because he hung around people who were open about being LGBT. But he wasn't ashamed of that for a second. And he was very proud of his friends.

Alex was just about to turn around and throw a retort back at Charles, but at that moment, the video ended.

"Alright," said Professor Washington, "let's analyze these arguments. Um, yes?"

The class's eyes turned to where Professor Washington had pointed, which was right at Charles Lee. Washington seemed confused, as he hadn't even asked any questions about the video yet.

"I'd just like to say that President Trump makes many compelling points throughout the video," he started. Alex groaned internally. He wasn't even surprised. "And he's probably the best President we've ever had. Trump 2020!"

"Uh- okay," said Professor Washington, obviously uncomfortable. He shook his head and turned back to the rest of the class, flipping to a page on a PowerPoint with questions about the video. "Now, let's break this down."

Alex found it very difficult to pay attention. He couldn't stand Charles Lee. What even made someone THAT hateful?

After class, Alex gathered his books quickly and went out the door. He walked down the campus path at a rapid pace, trying to put as much space between him and Charles Lee as possible.

"Alex! Wait!"

Alex turned to see who had called. It was Eliza.

"Are you okay? You came out of class awfully quickly," she said, concerned, as she lead him to a nearby bench to sit down.

Alex sighed.

"It's Charles Lee," he said. "He's being so stupid. He keeps calling me these slurs AND he's a Trump supporter."

Eliza rolled her eyes.

"Of course," she groaned. "I swear, if he ever does anything like that in front of me, that'll be the last thing he ever does," she said. Alex smiled. He knew Eliza could be scary, but it was hard to imagine that with how sweet she always was.

"It's just a nuisance," he said. "It's not actually getting to me at all. I just wish he'd stop. And the last thing I want is to provoke him and have him go after any of you guys."

Eliza smiled.

"We'll be fine, Alex," she said. "Trust me. All of us have been out since high school. We're used to that shit, but we don't let it get to us either. Being out comes with those challenges."

Alex smiled back, but then realized something.

"I never came out to you guys," he said. "Did I?"

Eliza shook her head.

"No," she said. "But all of us have finely-tuned gaydars. And hey, if Charles knows, he probably has one too. And for a reason," she said, laughing. "The most homophobic people are usually repressed gays."

Alex grinned.

"You're right," he said. "I don't need to worry about him."


Alex's face fell. He rolled his eyes and turned to the speaker.

"Yes, Lee?" he said sharply.

"Hold on, THIS is the guy who's been bothering you?" Eliza said, standing up and narrowing her eyes. "God, he's pathetic. How are you THAT pale?" Eliza said, looking him up and down. Lee was rather pale. "I really don't think you have any right to be making fun of other people when you're so insecure in yourself. And my goodness, get some sun," she said. "And maybe get a therapist!" she called back, turning around. "Self-care is the first step to true happiness! Come on Alex," she said, smiling. Alex grinned back and stood up, laughing at how dumbstruck Lee looked.

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