Glutton Island

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On the sunny go Luffy [captain], was seeking into the kitchen to get food only to be kicked out by Sanji [cook]" Luffyget the hell out of my kitchen!" Yelled the blond, "aww but sanji I'm hungry" – wined the straw hat boy. "Luffy come play with us!" yelled a small reindeernamed Copper [doctor], he, Usopp [sharpshooter], brook [musician] and franky[cyborg] were paying tag around the ship until Usopp trip over the sleeping Zoro [first mate] who woke up and start chasing them with his 3 sword, Luffy laughed and started to play with them, this went on for a while until Robin[archaeologist] came up the deck with Nami [Navigator] "Hey guys there is an island over there"Nami said "And it is said to be the island famous for its eating contests" Robyn finished for her, this got a certain someone's attention "EATING CONTEST, LET'S GO!!!!!" Luffy yelled already drooling from the mouth.


[Ugh this island has become a real nightmare, all you ever see people do is stuff they faces, and it all started the day that lard ass of a King arrived and changed this use to be peaceful and quiet island into a piece of garbage] A green haired girl thought as she made her way through the town robbing a few unsuspecting people from they loaded coin purses. The girl made her way to a little homemade shelter on the edge of the harbour and sat down looking over the new goodies she has gotten from everyone [Not bad I will almost have enough to get on a boat and leaving the island] the girl though as she looked at her mini treasures, out of the corner of her eye she saw a ship with an unusual figure head "oh great seems like the island will get more prisoners" the girl said out loud, picking up her bag she stuff her treasure into it and grab her daggers, going towards the ship.


[Why did those women had to say it was an eating contest island don't they know who they Captain was?] I angry thought as we docked at the island called Glutton island, if you asked me that is a perfect name. We haven't even stopped and Luffy already disappeared into town "Zoro you go find Luffy and make sure he doesn't spend all my money, we still need to stock up the ship with supplies" Nami order [jeez you would think she is the Captain not that idiot].

Ok now where will Luffy be as I walked down the street, damn these people are big you think if you look like a big squishy boulder you would stopped eating by now but these people just keep eating. [the food can't be that good] I thought as I picked up one of the pastries on one table "good choice sir, that is my number one seller, that would be 50 berries"the man said "50 berries, that's nuts, this better be a very good donut then" I told the man putting the money on the table. Just as I wanted to take a bite someone knock the pastry out of my hand "Who did that!" I yelled at a green haired woman "you don't want to eat anything sold in this market" she told me, more like warned me "and why is that, I can eat whatever I want" I replied back, getting pissed off at this woman "These food is made by the king himself he has a devil fruit power, the more you eat his food the harder it is to resist and when he decides you're just right he invites you to his castle and eats you" she explained "what....what do you mean eats you" I stammered "well I think I did explain it very well, but ok here is the long version of the story" she starts explaining "wait I think before you start we should go back to my ship and you explain to the whole crew" I said [better let everyone knows what is going on] "Very well lets go" she said "it's this way" I said leading the way ....further into town "Uhm, you did say ship right?" she asked "Yes and it's this way" I told her still walking "No, the harbour is the other way" She said pointing to the other direction, "Come on I lead you to the harbour" she said and begin to walk away, Scratching my head in shame I followed her "What is your name anyway?" I asked "My name is Roronoa Kelsey and yours?" [Roronoa, no can't be] "haha, funny now tell me you real name there is only one Roronoa in the world" I told her getting very suspicious of this girl "You are wrong there are two in the world, twin boy and girl I never met my brother as I was separated from him when we were only babies, see here is a picture of him"She stopped and pulled out her necklace where inside a picture of two sleeping babies one wrapped in pink and the other in blue were, the boys feet were hanging out of the blanket. I was in shock nobody ever told me that I was a twin so could this person be my sister? I don't know how long I spaced out, but it seems Kelsey was getting irritated "Sorry but that was a lot to take in, see my name is RoronoaZoro, and so far as I'm concerned nobody told me about a sibling" I told her, I could see she was in shock and was trying to take it all in, but suddenly she hugged me "You have no idea how long I searched for you! I travelled the sea from a young aged and then I got trapped here on this island for I not sure how many years has passed, I'm so glad I finally found you" she started crying into my shirt "hey whoa whoa, listen you might have the wrong person here, like I told you I was the only child" I said to her, but deep down I already feel a strong sibling connection and the need to protect her, maybe she is my sister "There is only one way to prove, that your my brother you see that little birth mark on the boy's foot in the picture, let me see your foot and if you don't have it then you're not my brother" she said with a determine face "fine" I told her and took of my right boot and there in the middle of my foot is the exact same birth mark, just a little bigger and a bit stretched out, but you could clearly see it is the same as in the photo [I have a sister, I can't believe I have living family] I though as I looked at her, she had the gigantic smile on her face "I have a family, I have a sister" I spoke mostly to myself a feeling of happiness overcomes me as I hug her and she starts laughing "I HAVE A SISTER!" I screamed making everyone look at me "Ok, getting back to serious business, we still need to go inform the crew and find my captain about what is going on, on this island" I told her grabbing her hand and running towards the ship, which is easily found since Kelsey lead the way most of the time.

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