The Mysterious Island

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-3rd Pov –

After the commotion of last night the crew went back to their usual self's until Zoro yelled from the crow's nest that there was an island approaching. Unbeknown to them the island was curse and in the distance a hooded shadow was watching the lion head ship heading its way [looks like fresh meat came to the island] it thought to itself before walking towards a cave where thousands of statues were standing, walking by one it patted the statue on its head and it turned to dust [don't worry soon you will have a new friend] it said before disappearing into the cave, walking towards a golden jewelled vase and smiling.

On the shore of the island the crew dock the ship.


"Whooohoooo, come on Kelsey lets go exploring" Grabbing Kelsey's hand I ran with her towards the forest ignoring the yelling from Nami, and listening to the giggling green head behind me, making my stomach go weird. After some time of running we finally stopped "whew that was a nice run, but now I'm thirsty, we should have waited until Nami gave us our allowance" Kelsey said going to sit on a rock "shishsishi...." I laughed she doesn't notice the stream below her I crept up to her, before she could react I picked her up and threw her in the stream jumping in behind her (it's fresh water, no salt) "CAPTAIN!!!" Kelsey screamed. We played in the water for a little bit until I got this strange feeling someone was watching us I looked around but saw nothing.

-3rd Pov-

That's it he will become my new victim, it said as it was watching the Captain with the straw hat playing in the water with a green haired woman. All I need to do is bait him in opening the vase and the test will begin, it said before it notice the Captain was on his guard and looking around, it disappeared into the shadows. "See you soon Captain"

-Kelsey Pov-

After a while of playing we were laying in the sun trying to catch our breath "that was fun" I looked over to the Captain he was sleeping with a big smile on his face [he is kinda cute sleeping like that] I went over to his sleeping face but stopped myself [what are you doing he is your Captain] I slapped myself out of it, until I saw a statue standing in the middle of nowhere [what is that?] "Captain wake up" I shook Luffy awake "look what is that statue doing in the middle of nowhere?" "That's so cool let's go check it out" Luffy grab my hand for the second time that day and got to say not hating it. We got to the statue and saw that there was a whole bunch of them standing all over the place and in the middle there is a cave [I don't like the feeling of this] "Uhm Captain we should turn back I don't like the feeling of this" I tried to drag Luffy out of the cave, but he started walking into the cave [ugh men] I followed after him it is Luffy after all "Kelsey looked I found something" I looked over to where Luffy was standing and in his hand he held a golden jewel incrusted vase [something feels off about that] "Captain where did you get that?"I asked "Over there on that rock in the middle" he said pointing to a rock that looks like an ancient pillar cut in half "Maybe you should put it back it might be something dangerous, and why don't we go back it is getting a bit late and the crew is probably looking for us already, we can go see if Sanji has prepared any meat for dinner" I said hoping to get him away from the weird vase and back to the ship where it is saver.

It seems like it was working, because he was on his way to put it back when he suddenly stopped and open it. A green smog started oozing out from the top, using my powers I levitated the vase away from Luffy and back on the pillar, I ran to Luffy and pulled him away and out of the cave. Outside we were both coughing out green smoke that stuff smells and taste awful "why did you open it!" I yelled at Luffy while shaking him like a rattle, I know he is a bit dense but come on! "Why are you so mad about it nothing happened" he said smiling [he is right nothing happened, but there is still this shaking feeling that I just can't get rid of]

"Yeah, nothing happened" just then both of our stomachs cried out "shishishi...race you back to the ship!" "Oh no not so fast, Captain get back here" Unbeknown to them the vase disappeared after being open.

Later that evening when everyone was asleep a strange figured appeared on the ship. "Now Captain let us play a little game" the figured whispered as it entered the green haired sleeping girl's room and produce a strange little bottle and put a few drops of liquid green in her mouth, before going to the boy's room and put a note next to the Captains bed, after that it disappeared.

-Next Day-


I woke up to the smell of Bacon causing me to jumped out of bed, that's when I notice a small letter falling to the ground [what is this] as I open it.

'Mr Staw hat, you have open the golden vase on Lokrum Island and therefore have started a game' [a game I love games] I continued to read on, but this has got to end soon my bacon will get cold. 'the golden vasehas disappeared and you will need to follow the Dragons breath to be able to find it, if you are unable to located the vase, once found will teleport back to me, I will take the soul of the person you care for the most, the game ends on the 3rd full moon, happy hunting' the letter burst into flames. Take the soul of the person I cared for the most? After a while my eyes popped open [It will take Kelsey!] after this realization I got mad I will punch anyone who tries to take her away from me.

At breakfast, I didn't feel like myself I keep thinking about the game and if we don't solve it soon Kelsey will be taken from us. "UhmLuffy are you ok? You hardly touch your breakfast" Nami asked "I just got something on my mind" I said as I started eating "And what is that?" Kelsey asked [ok I need to tell them, but maybe just leave to part out about the person] "I woke up this morning and found a letter it said because I opened the golden vase on the island back therea game has started we need to find the vase which disappeared and follow the Dragons Breath to find it, before the 3rd full moon" I finished "And what would happen if we don't find it" Usopp asked "Something bad" is all I said I sensed the crew understood that I didn't want to speak about it anymore and left it at that.

"Dragons breath" What could that mean Nami thought "If I may, I read a booked telling about an island situated underneath the sun, rumoured for it dragon inhabitants." Robin finished "That must be it! the sun can be referred to as dragon's breaths so all we have to do it follow the sun" Nami said "This will be an interesting route to draw" Nami continued to say. "And just think about all the new medicine that can be found there" Chopper added "Don't forget the new ingredients for my inventions" Usopp's went on. The crew got excited about going to the new island. "Whoohoo let's get sailing" Luffy Finished. 

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