Isle of the Beast

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After sailing for weeks, the first full moon is on its way, making a certain Captain nervous they were not even close to their destination. The crew was getting tired and the supplies is almost depleted it is time to stop at an island to get some rest and stocked up.

Zoro spotted an island not too far away looks like another day of sailing "There is an island up ahead" Zoro said from the crow's nest, Kelsey was the first to react "Finally, good spot Zoro I was getting sick of only seeing water" She yelled back at him and started jumping around the deck out of excitement [boy she can get excited over the smallest things] Zoro thought as he saw her playing tag with Luffy, Chopper and Usopp.

The crew disembarked the ship and Nami gave everyone they jobs Luffy, Zoro and Sanji was to hunt for meat, Usopp, Chopper was to go look for plants with medical properties. Brook stayed and watched the ship, Franky made repairs and new improvements to the ship, Robin went to explore the island looking at the history of the island, Nami started drawing the island and Kelsey was given the tasked to bring back fresh water.

Kelsey Pov:

"Why must I do this alone, ugh, Nami could have order one of the guys to help me" I thought as I levitated 4 massive barrels through the forest looking for fresh water "where is the damn water" I shouted big mistake as moments after a roar came from my right "oh kitty don't you mess with me, first Nami our bossy navigator send me on a god damn impossible mission. I have to carry these huge barrels with my mind and giving me a migraine. and now you are trying to eat me!, no kitty today you be on the menu" every sentence I spoke I took a step closer to the tiger I think he sense me being in a bad mood because it ran away as soon as I pulled out my dagger. [Damn thought I could have some fun] I put the dagger away and stubble a bit damn ever since we started this mission I started getting dizzy spells, even using my powers gives me nosebleeds lucky I could hide it from the crew, but I got this nagging feeling that Luffy knows more than he lets on.

Ok let's get the water I picked up the barrels again and started walking through the forest again. What feels like walking for an hour I finally found a waterfall "Yess fresh water!" I yelled , I filled all the barrels and groan as it became heaver to carry, so heavy I couldn't even lift it with my powers [Oh no that's no good, usually I can lift eight elephants and now I can't even lift these barrels, something is seriously wrong with me I need to consult Chopper about this] I focused really hard and I lift them I could feel my nose bleeding as I starting making my way back to the ship and hooded figure stood in the middle of the clearing as it slowly turned to me it gave a wicked smile, and said in a eerie voice "If you want your crew mates to stay alive, leave the crew on the second full moon" before vanishing [what the fudge was that] I thought feeling goose bumps going up my arm, alright that is a good indicator to get the hell of this island.


Finally we sailed away from the island, it seems it wasn't only me that had a interesting encounter with animals apparently Luffy got eaten by a bear and Zoro and Sanji had the beat the beast until it spit the Captain up, everyone laughed at the stories, Nami was chased by a bunch of crocodiles and Chopper with Usopp almost fell off a cliff running away from an anaconda. Everyone was on the deck laughing at the experience they experience on the island they now dubbed the Isle of beast.

As soon as everyone got back to normal Kelsey made her way to Choppers office. "Uhm doctor are you in" Kelsey asked peeking through the door at the little reindeer sitting at his desk "oh Kelsey how can I help you" Chopper asked making his way to the girl "Well you see ever since we started this weird journey I started getting mean headaches and nosebleeds every time I use my powers, any idea what is could be?" She finished. "Well this certainly a interesting case, but I have no idea what is causing this, let me take some blood and run some tests" Chopper finished getting is needle and extract some blood from the girl. "Ok all done I will run some test and I will get back to you" He finished before getting back to work.

It's been a few weeks after the island and the talk with Chopper, but it seems all is all right as Kelsey went back to normal, with the girl playing games with the guys. Until the second full moon everyone could see something is seriously wrong with Kelsey, she stopped eating, didn't play with the guys anymore and spend most of her time in her cabin even Zoro couldn't get her to even talk to her let alone Luffy and the crew could see it was eating Luffy up inside. 

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