The 3rd Full Moon

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The day the Captain finally dreaded was here tonight was the full moon and they can finally see the island in sight. It was the captain's turn to run on the treadmill and the ship docked on the island before the sun raised.

"alright everybody spread out and go find that vase" Luffy order this was first time everyone saw Luffy this serious and in seconds everyone was split and searching for the vase.

It was almost night time and no one has found the vase yet Luffy started to worry they were on the wrong island and the full moon was started to make its appearance. Kelsey wasn't feeling every well she can't even use her powers anymore she was too weak to even stand, but she will not let her Captain down not when this mission is this serious.

[where is it] Luffy thought franticly wait the first time he found the vase it was near a river in a cave so if he can find a river he will find the cave! Luffy felt proud when he figured it out but as he was running to the vase the full moon has appeared and a loud scream cut through the forest "Kelsey!" Luffy yelled he turned around and started running towards where the sound came from Luffy came towards the beach and the crew was already there but it was too late as Luffy see a stone statue of Kelsey standing on the beach with her hand out as if she was reaching out for someone or something. "Luffy we were too late" Zoro said with his head down the girls crying in the back ground, Sanjiwas biting his cigarette in half and the rest of the crew was either banging their fist into the sand or crying in each other arms. "No this cannot be happening, she can't be gone" Luffy said as he looked at Kelsey "maybe maybe if we find the vase it will reverse this"Luffy tried to reason "Luffy the vase is not here we looked everywhere" Usopp said "No we haven't looked everywhere" Luffy said running back into the forest "Luffy come back!!" Chopper yelled.


I run through the forest [don't worry Kelsey I will get you back] I thought as I made it to the river, right I made it here now where is the cave I thought as started running up and down but no luck there is no vase. I finally made my way to the beach and saw the crew made a casket for Kelsey already, which made me angry she is not dead "what are you guys doing she is not dead we will get her soul back" I said angrily "Luffy we know that but she needs a safe place she is made from stone, she might break" Nami explained this made me calmed down a bit. Before we could get on the ship a man in a cloak appeared before us "Well it seems like you have failed thanks for the soul" it said "are you the one who set up this sick game?" Sanji asked with Zoro pulling out his swords "yes I am" it said "who are you?" I asked "Surprised you haven't recognised me after all you and that girl ruined my life, just think I could have ruled the island and have all the people I could eat, but know you straw hats had to come and ruined everything" it said "Wait the King but I killed you on the roof how did you survived" Zoro said "stupid guy I'm immortal I can't be killed first I started by using the vase to trapped souls and consumed later then I received the devil fruit power and it made it so much easier, I must say I was really surprised we you of all people came and open the vase" the King laughed this made the whole crew angry and before anyone could react the King was punch in the face. "you little punk you think it be that easy to take me down you haven't found the vase now you need to fight it" the King said as a huge golden Dragon came down landed right before the crew.

"Sanji, Zoro, take down the dragon, Nami, Robin, Brook, Chopper and Usopp protect Kelsey get on the ship and start sailing to the other side of the island. I will take down the King" Luffy order "Aye Captain" everyone said before springing into action. Kelsey was loaded onto the ship as they started the ship and went off to the other island or so they hoped the dragon was trying to hit Sanji with a fire ball and ended hitting the ship instead luckily Usopp used one of his special balls and made a floating ball for them to stay upon, unfortunately Kelsey sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Oh no this is not good we lost Kelsey" Usopp screamed "well there is only one thing to do" Nami said as she pushed Usopp into the water before jumping in with "We need to look for her" Nami said "You guys made sure nothing happens in this area" Nami said before diving down.

Sanji and Zoro was fighting the Dragon "Cotelette" Sanji yelled as he dropped into a one-handed handstand position, Sanji kicks the dragon in the ribs, doing a few backflips then used a Selle kicked and kicked the dragon behind the head. Now it was Zoro's turned he used his EnbimaYonezu Oni Giri slashing the dragon multiple times and for his final technique he used his Kokujo O Tatsumaki on the dragon. The Dragon was defeated and what surprise the boys the most it turned into a vase. "well that wasn't too bad it was so weak it didn't put a scratch on us" Sanji said picking up the vase.

Luffy was struggling with the King seems like he gotten stronger than what he was the first time. "GomuGomu no Jet Pistol" Luffy yelled as he unless he's attack but the King manage to dodge every single one of his punches and strike Luffy under the chin making him skip through the sand.

Luffy had enough of this back and forth he needs to end this now "alright gear second" Luffy yelled as his whole body turned red and steam come of it. The Kings eyes widen he couldn't stay with the captain he was too fast and before he know it the King was on the ground "Give Kelsey her soul back NOW" an very angry Luffy said "Alright Alright you win she will awake the sun rises" The king said before disappearing into green smoke and into the vase which disappear in Sanji's hands.

Usopp and Brooke laid the casket down on the sand "and now we wait for the sun to rise" Zoro said "Alright once Kelsey wakes up she will be hungry I will start preparing a feast" Sanji said, Nami went to continued drawing the island, while Franky and Usopp fixed the ship, Brooke was playing relaxing violin music and Luffy was sitting by the casket not leaving it side.

The crew was asleep when the sun starts to rise, the ship was fixed and the only one still awakes was Sanji finishing the last touch on the feast, when a crackling caught his attention "Guys wake up Kelsey is breaking apart" Sanji yelled "What!!"Luffy yelled looking at the statue as it was cracking and Kelsey arm fall limp and almost on her face if it wasn't for Luffy that caught her.

"What happened" Kelsey asked "Nothing you here with us now everything is alright" Luffy said smiling down at her. After everyone gave Kelsey hugs and welcome backs they all had a great feast. Later that evening Luffy and Kelsey walked down the beach "Listen I want to tell you something I'm sorry this happened to you it was all my fault" Luffy said with his head down "Captain listen it wasn't your fault well maybe a little bit" Kelsey teased "But really you saved me and if it wasn't for your ship that was docked at my island I wouldn't have been here....Luffy you saved me, thank you" Kelsey finished, Kelsey looked at her Captain whose eyes where over shadow by his hat "uhm Luffy you ok" Kelsey asked trying to lift his hat up, Luffy took his chance and grab the girl he loved by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss "you finally called me by my name, Kelsey I love you" he said while putting his hat on the girls head "Luffy I love you too" she finished, the now happy couple hugged and unbeknown to them the crew was stalking them and witness the whole thing "CHEERS to the happy couple" Zoro yelled as a new party started, the poor love struck chief sitting in his corner mumbling away.

Yes Luffy might be a bit dense sometimes but even he knows when he finally found love and this time he won't let it go.

The End.

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