I hate you Luffy

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It was one of those days again where Kelsey would lock herself in her room and avoid the crew members, that was until Luffy had enough "Why are you like this, what have we done wrong, talk to us!" Luffy yelled at the green haired girl sitting alone on the deck of the ship she looked at him with her eyes, but it wasn't her eyes, it look like all the joy and life had been drain from them. "Answer me this Captain everyone has a role on this ship, what is my role, why did you even invited me to join your crew was it because I was Zoro's twin or that I had power, that's all you look for in a person is power, aren't I right Captain" Kelsey sneered the last part at Luffy who looked at her with wide eyes as she continued not even giving the boy a chance to speak "You don't care for us, all you care for is accomplishing your dream of becoming the King of the Pi....." She couldn't finish her sentence as Luffy punched her through the face "Shut up, you're not Kelsey, I don't know who you are, but you not her, she will not talk ill of everyone on this ship neither would she call me selfish" Luffy finished looking at the girl he thought he loved on the ground started laughing "Oh but you are selfish, and you know what I don't want to be part of this crew anymore" She finished "At the next stop I will get off and you can sail off without me" she said over her shoulder before disappearing into her room again. Deep down Luffy knew this is part of the game, the curse that he unleashed, and that makes him even more determined to get the person responsible for this and make them pay for what they are doing to Kelsey, his crew and to himself.

For the next few days it's almost became unbearable living with Kelsey, she will start a fight with everyone on the ship, but mostly with Luffy when they see each other they will start insulting one another. No one knows why she is acting like this expectsLuffy and it was killing him inside.

On the next island Kelsey did exactly what she said she would be doing and disappeared everyone was looking for her. "Why would she just disappeared like this, it not like her" Nami said concerned about the girl in the woods "She did started acting weird ever since we departed from the beast island" Robin added "you think something might have happened there?" Nami asked the two girls was discussing the situation with Luffy and Zoro eavesdrop. "I'm telling you there is something wrong with my sister she will never do this, ever" Zoro stated to Luffy "I'm going out to find her and found her what exactly is brothering her" Zoro said standing up, but Luffy caught his arm "No I'm the captain of this ship if there is something wrong with my Nakama I will fix this" Luffy stated and run into the forest.


[where is she] I walked through the forest until I saw smoke coming out of a cave, [There] I ran as fast as could as I enter the cave I saw her sitting on the ground "Kelsey, come on it is time to head back to the ship" I said kneeling beside her "Captain I can't" She told me, that just confused me "Do you want me to carry you, did you hurt your leg?"I asked "*sign* Captain I don't mean I can't walk I mean if I go back the whole crew will die" She said crying softly, just shocked me and angered me "Who

said that" I asked softly "I don't know there was a man in a cloak who told me if I didn't leave the crew on the second full moon the whole crew would die, at first I wanted you guys to hate me and kick me off the crew but you didn't so I did the only thing I could and left, Captain I'm so sorry for everything I said I didn't mean a single word, I just don't want to be responsible for the death of the crew" She said tears streaming down her face, I took my hat off and put it on her head "Listen to me we will always protect you, just like you will always protect us we are nakama's and that's just what we do and we know you didn't mean a single word that you said to us, now come on back to the ship everyone is really worried" Luffy finished. We heard a noise at the entrance and turned to look the whole crew except for Brook, Franky and Chopper where there, the girls had tears streaming down their faces and the guys looked pissed. "Mina you hear" Kelsey said standing up and hugging the Girls while everyone was screaming "We sorry" after all of this, everyone sat around the fire for a while everyone was caught up in what happened to Kelsey.

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