The Birthday debacle

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-6 months has past –


I woke up and remember today is my birthday so that means it's Kelsey's birthday too. I jump out of bed to go tell the others, I know how they get over birthdays it's a huge party and lots of drinking and I don't want Kelsey to feel left out on her special day either. The moment I go out on the deck there was a big banner with my name and Kelsey's saying Happy Birthday [seems like I don't have to remind them, they remember all on their own]. We both got some presents, but the one that surprise everyone was that Luffy gave Kelsey a pile of meat. We had our specious that our Captain might like my sister but that just proves it, he never steals from her plate and always make sure that she gets something to eat, but unfortunately because Kelsey have not been on the ship for long she just thought it was him being kind it is so frustrating and funny to watch, it is weird to see Luffy liking a person other than a friend.


As the day go by Kelsey was playing with the Captain, Usopp and Chopper. Now, Kelsey was on Luffy's back and Chopper was on Usopp's playing a game where one team has to try and knock the other on to the other's back with paint filled balloons. "AAAHHH" Usopp yelled as he and Chopper fell on the ground, "Whoohoo, We won again" Kelsey screamed as she and Luffy did their victory lap around the deck, "No fair, Luffy always gets Kelsey on his team and she uses her powers it not fair" Usopp moaned "Next round it will be me and Kelsey vs Luffy and Chopper" Usoppstated pointing a finger at us Kelsey just blinked at him with a smile wanting to say it was fine, until she felt Luffy's gripped tightened, not knowing the boy was glaring at the sharp shooter "No, Kelsey is mine" Yelled Luffy as he started running around the deck again Usopp and Chopper behind him yelling "That's not fair!"

While you guys were running around Nami and Robin shared a knowing looked "it seems our captain-san really cares for Kelly-chan" Robin said with a smile seeing how Luffykept Kelsey closed to him "He sure does, Luffy found someone just as crazy as he is" Nami Laughed as she looked at her maps her eyes widening, she stood up quickly going upstairs her eyes scanning the horizon when it fell upon a rift in the ocean [No...] she thought before quickly getting everyone's attention.

"Mina! Get inside NOW!!" Nami yelled, everyone rushed into the kitchen waiting for Nami to explain what is going on.

Everyone's eyes were now on Nami "listen we are approaching a rift in the ocean where Sirens lives, they are especially dangerous to men they will try to lure them into the sea then drown them and eat their flesh" Nami finished explaining.

"Whoohoo that so cool" Luffy yelled which Zoro and Sanji quickly responded by kicking him in the wall "No IT'S NOT!!" they yelled at him.


I got up from being hit in the wall sitting down next to Sanji, feeling a bit jealous of Zoro sitting next to Kelsey, I wanted to sit next to her, my thoughts were interrupted when Nami started talking again. "Also, a storm is approaching so for the safety of the crew I'm ordering all the guys to be locked in the boy's quarters, Robin and I will steer the ship to safety, Kelsey will be in charge in keeping an eye on the boys and can use her powers to stop anyone from leaving the ship." I gave a worry look at Kelsey when Nami said that only to discover she had a happy grin on her face which made me smile a little too, I believe in her. "No problem Nami, no one will drown on my watch!" Kelsey stated.

After Nami's speech she and Robin went to the bridge of the ship, while Kelsey followed us to the boy's quarters "Alrighty boys, no leaving without my permission, oh and put these in your ears so you don't hear the Sirens song" Kelsey said passing us ear buds then left locking the door behind her, the last thing I saw was her long green hair disappearing behind the close door.

We were all sitting around bored out our minds "How bad is this Sirens song really" Zoro asked tossing and catching the ear buds "Nami-swan said it is very bad and with Robin-swan and Kelsey-swan dealing with the Sirens and the storms, it must be so hard on them!!!" Sanji said twirling around the room. [I'm the captain of this ship, I should be protecting them not the other way around] I thought thinking about the girls especially Kelsey out in the storm trying to get the ship to safety while we all sit around doing nothing. I looked at Usopp, Brook, Franky and Chopper that where all sleeping with their ear buds in, only me, sanji and zoro still haven't put it in, I decided to put mine in, but before I could I heard a beautiful voice calling out to me, not only me but Zoro and Sanji also fell under the voice spell.

With one swift kick Sanji kicked the door down as we all made our way outside only to be stopped by an invisible barrier.

-Kelsey Pov-

I was sitting in the crow's nest using my powers to control the ships sails, so the storm would not ripped them to pieces and to get us out of the storm faster, when I looked down I saw three familiar faces coming on the deck [should have know those three idiots won't listen to Nami] I jumped down to the side of the ship producing an invisible barrier around them.

The rain was hitting my skin like tiny bullets as I stood there holding the barrier with both hands as they try breaking it down, ever hit becomes stronger and stronger [damn...I don't know how long I will be able to keep this up] just as a huge wave came crashing down on us draining me of my powers the barrier breaking, in a split second they all scattered to different sides of the ship trying to dive into the water to the sirens below waiting for them.

I pulled a rope from the main mast and used my powers to control it by warping it tightly around Sanji then kicking him into the kitchen "Bye Bye lover boy" I said smiling at my fast thinking when out of the corner of my eye I saw Zoro and Luffy going over "Oh crap" I ran as fast as I could leaning over grabbing Luffy's vest and pulling him up, I use my powers to create handcuff and cuff him to the stairs, then creating a bubble around myself before diving into the ocean after Zoro.


"Just a little longer and we will be out of danger" I told Robin as I direct her safely through the storm, when I saw the fight below [Kelsey is not a person to underestimate] I thought as I saw her beating the three strongest boys on the ship, just then I saw her diving into the ocean my eyes widening [I need to get us out of here now]

-Kelsey Pov-

I was swimming fast seeing Zoro being drag down further by the sirens, seeing my bubble slowly disappearing as I'm becoming weaker by the moment [I swear to Neptune I will kick his ass when this is done] I used the power I have left to create a soundless bubble around Zoro and a sonic wave to scare the water demons away, just as my powers disappear and water surrounded me, I saw Zoro swimming to me before blacking out.


I woke up with a pounding headache, looking around I saw a dripping wet Kelsey and Zoro standing on the side of the boat Kelsey screaming at him for some reason something about not listening to Nami. I tried standing up and but got pulled down again I looked and saw handcuffs around me arm "Uhm Guys why I am I handcuff to the staircase" I yelled they looked my way Zoro waving his hand side to side in a cross, [what is that suppose to mean] I thought then a very angry Kelsey stood in front of me [eh she looks cute with wet hair, wait what I'm I thinking] "why did you not listen to Nami about staying in the dorms with the other guys and why didn't you put your earplugs in, do you know what a pain in the ass you three were ???!!! [what is she ...ohhh the siren thingies] I got down on my knees in a bowing position "I'm sorry Kelsey and to Robin and Nami I didn't mean to cause this much trouble PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!"

I felt a hand on my head "Captain it's ok why don't we see if Sanji is up and get you some meat?" I jumped up after the last part "MEAT!!" I yelled as I run to the kitchen my arm stretching behind me, throwing the doors open I saw Sanji struggling to get out of his binds Kelsey came up behind me and made our binds disappear that's when I notice my arm bouncing back in its right full place, before Sanji could even stand Kelsey went over and gave him the same speech she gave me and I think Zoro as well.

After Sanji apologise he made a special meal for the girls as a thank you gift, and the guys couldn't have any of it, thankfully Kelsey offer some of her meal to me but for some odd reason I didn't want to steal from her plate.

-3rd pov-

After all of this it was still the twin's birthday and even though it didn't go as plan, the crew still threw a big party that night. 

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