Treehouse (Tyler x Reader)

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A/N: This is more fluff than I usually write but there's a little smut don't worry. The move is totally fictional but seriously people need to stop with that shit.

Y/N = Your name

You and Tyler have been best friends since birth, your mothers were best friends since middle school and practically raised you and Tyler together. You've been through it all together over the last  28 years,and you enjoyed watching him and his band sky rocket to success, especially after the release of the smash hit song and video for Stressed Out, but with fame and success often comes invasion of privacy from obsessed fans, and the Joseph family home has become somewhat of a tourist attraction since the video. Tyler worries for his family's safety and privacy, blaming himself for the issue and decided to purchase them a new home, today is moving day and you stop by to help.

"Hi Kelly, where's Tyler? Busy helping you guys pack?" You ask Tyler's mom, walking into  his parents home.

"No I think he's up in the treehouse." Kelly answers

"Oh, is he okay, Tyler doesn't really go up their anymore unless he's feeling depressed. You ask nervously.

"Yeah I'm sure he's fine just a little bummed about the move, he has a lot of great memories up there."  Kelly reassures you.

You run to the treehouse, taking the ladder to the top. Tyler's sitting in silence looking out the treehouse window. "Hey Ty, you okay?" You ask in a low voice.

"Hey Y/N, yeah I'm good, come up." You pull yourself into the treehouse and take a seat sitting across from Tyler on the other side of the window sill. "I'm really gonna miss this treehouse, it holds so many memories.

"I'm gonna miss it too, but you'll always have those memories with you."

"I know."

 "Hey,remember when we had that funeral for your pet goldfish up here." You laugh

"Awww Fluffy!" Tyler pretends to cry.

"Seriously you were such a weird kid, who names a goldfish flurry?" You tease.

"Shut up, I wanted a cat and my mom wouldn't buy me one." He says shoving you playfully. "What about the tadpole we caught in the creek and we kept up here in that little bowl and one day we came to check on him and must have grown legs and hopped away because  he was gone. You cried for days ." He teases you back.

"He was the best frog ever!" You laugh hysterically 

"Yeah I  know that's what you kept saying as you cried." Tyler joins you in laughter

"Oh my god stop my stomach hurts from laughing." You say resting your hand on Tyler's shoulder."

"Or the time Zack fell down the ladder and broke his arm at our pretend wedding when you made him be the flower girl because Maddy was still a baby." You say laughing even harder now.

"Hey no one told him to carry the flowers while he was climbing the ladder." Tyler cracks up wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

"Tyler how else did you want him to get the flowers up here." You laugh clutching your stomach.

"I don't know, good point." He laughs

 "And we used to play pretend, give each other different names we would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away." You sing.

"I always wondered if you realized that line was about us playing up here." He smiles

"Of course I did Tyler how could I not." You smile back, for some reason butterflies take flight in your stomach, and you both go quiet for a minute.

"Hey what  about when we thought it was a good idea to have a sleepover up here with some of the other neighborhood kids, and everyone woke up covered in mosquitoes bites, you got bit like right on your eyelid and your eye was swollen shut in the morning, you looked like that creature from Goonies." Tyler  says breaking the awkward silence and stiffing a laugh.

"Oh my God I did not, you shove him, both of you falling over, you land on top of him, quickly rolling  off of him onto your back, the both of you just stare at the ceiling for a moment before you add "Well at least I kissed you before I looked like a creature that night." You chuckle.

"That's right I forgot we all played spin the bottle that night.... You were my first kiss ever." He admits turning his head to the side to look at you.

"MIne too" you admit, blushing, feeling the butterflies flapping harder, as you lock eyes with Tyler. Silence fills the treehouse , but your eyes don't leave each other.

"Would you mind if.....can I...would it be okay if - if I kiss you now." Tyler asks nervously.

You bring your mouth to his in an instant, pulling him on top of you, parting your lips to allow his tongue access, moaning softly into his mouth "I'll take that as a yes." He pants breaking the kiss.

"TYLER!" You exclaim feeling him growing hard against you.

"Oh my god I'm sorry" he apologizes, face red as he sits up straddling you and  starts to climb off of you.

You grab him by his shirt. "Don't be sorry, keep going." You say sitting up just enough to pull your sweater over your head.

Tylers eyes go wide. "You really wanna do this... here....with the treehouse." He questions anxiously.

"Why not, one more memory to make in the treehouse togther." You smirk, reaching for Tyler's shirt helping him remove it. You watch as he finishes undressing you, and then you un do his pants. 

"How is it I never realized the one person I've been looking for has been right in front of me for the past 28 years." He says looking into your eyes.

"I was just wondering the same thing about you." You admit with a smile.

He slides into you with a deep breath. "mmmm you feel so good" he whispers softly as he thrusts slowly.

"Tyler!" you moan in his ear, as you pull him deeper into you."God you feel good too." you whine arching your back off the hard wooden planks of the treehouse floor.

Tyler continues, deep, long, slow thrusts until you come, moaning his name, triggering him to spill inside you.

You lay together in a mess of heavy breathing for few minutes until you catch your breath and begin to dress yourselves. You slip your last article of clothing back on; your sweater, and kiss Tyler again. 

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything." you hear a voice say just as you're pulling your lips away from Tyler's. "Just wanted to let you kids know I made lunch."

"Kelly!" you exclaim, nervously wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, like the two of you were busted young teenagers instead of full grown adults. "Sorry I...We..."

"No need to explain Y/N, your mother and I have been waiting for this moment forever."

Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now