Holy Ground (Churchboy! Tyler x Reader)

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A/N: The place I describe in this really exists across the street from me but it's a Catholic school not Christian. My mind started wandering thinking about Tyler while I was walking back there the other day and this fic was born. LOL

FYI I was raised Catholic not Christian so if I make any mistakes regarding the religion I apologize , just roll with it.

Y/N= Your name

You leave  your house for your daily afternoon walk like you always do, heading left down your street to the stop sign and taking another left, making your way to the busy intersection across the street from the Convent Christian Highschool. When the traffic clears you take a slight right up the street that leads to the paved trail on the schools property, it's open to the public but there's hardly ever anyone back there aside from the occasional student or nun, usually around lunch time, which is already over, but as you round the corner that connects the street to the path you see a handsome boy in school uniform walking towards you. You smile politely as you're about to pass him. He flashes the most adorable grin in return stopping you in your tracks.

"Hey, shouldn't you be in class or something." You tease, placing a hand on his shoulder as he passes you.

"I-I have a free period, because I'm a-all caught up on my work." He says nervously, turning to face you. 

"Well Mr. Smarty pants, you wanna walk with me?  I wouldn't mind the company."  You smile. "What's you name?

"Me? Ummm T-tyler , I was g-gonna head back inside, but I-I still got time soooo sure." He stutters. "W-what's your name?"


"S-so Y/N how come you're not in class or work or something." He speaks looking at your clothes; blacking leggings, and a loose, low cut, white graphic T covered by a light jacket to take the edge of the mid spring air; it's obvious you don't attend school here.

"I graduated public school last year, I bar tend most nights, except Wednesdays, those are my nights off, so right now is my 'Me' time, then I'll take a little nap before work." You answer. "So.... what year you in?"

"Senior. I'm nineteen. December birthday so I got a late start." He says pointing to himself. "Isn't this so beautiful?" He asks, sounding more like a statement than a question, motioning to the stations of the cross that line the path. "First station Jesus is condemned to death, second station Jesus carries his cross, third station Jesus falls for the first ti--"

"Tyler" You cut him off. "I'm not really into the whole religion thing." You admit.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll stop." He looks down pursing his lips

"I'm sorry that came out rude, I just wanted to be honest with you. You don't have to stop, I could listen to you talk all day, I like your voice, it's so...um..so sexy. You blurt out.

"Y-you think I'm s-sexy?" He blushes.

"Well I said your voice..." You say eyeing him up and down. "But umm yeah you too." You elbow him playfully,  turning to smile at him. He tries to hide his huge smile and flushed cheeks, turning his head away from you. You drop your arm back down by your side, your pinky finger brushing against Tyler's as you walk. You hook your pinky around his and he turns his palm face up, you slide your hand into his interlocking your fingers. Tyler turns his head back to look at you with pink dimpled cheeks, as you continue to walk hand and hand down the trail, stopping to sit on the bench in front of the nuns cemetery. You look down at your still interlocked hands resting on your lap an notice something-. "Oh my God Tyler you have the cutest thumbs!" You exclaim.

"Don't talk like that!" He scolds tucking his thumb under yours.

"What, about your thumbs?" You asked puzzled.

Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now