ShraMan OS: Why

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This was my first OS on ShraMan, it has been published on IF a long time ago.

Why do you love her ? They asked. I smiled at the question, the answer seemed so oblivious and at the same time it was still a mystery, like it was always a part of me, anchored into the depths of my soul.

"You know when you love someone that much, you start paying attention on the little things, those things that seemed so mere in the beginning but in reality they make the difference.

It could be simply the way she enlaces her fingers into mine, before drifting into a deep slumber and how it seems to fit perfectly like lego blocks; as if it was meant to be.

Or when the first rays of the sun hit me in the face, earning a frown, she stands in front of it providing me shelter, like an umbrella on a rainy day and sometimes she runs her fingers through my hair and gently caresses my face, when she does that I am afraid of opening my eyes and breaking the dream but she is still here and the way she looks at me, breathes Life into me.

Her smile. No matter how bad her day has been or how tired she is, this girl will never forgot to wear that dazzling smile of hers when I am with her and it makes me feel special as if I was the One.

She is my best friend. Whenever I am upset or just not myself and feel the need to clear my mind, I sit at the beach or a park, where nobody would reach me. But she always does. She always find me in the crowd, then she sits besides me and listens to all my banter quietly, patiently with all her attention like a mother does with her child. She knows exactly what I need to hear. If I am being stupid (which happens a lot), she will make me realize my mistakes. If I am feeling low, she will simply wrap her arms around me, it seems insane but I feel lighter almost immediatly.

When we go for a walk, mostly after dinner, hands in hands, under the blueish sky, we usually sit on the freshly cut grass, her head on my shoulder.

Before her I never took time to sit and appreciate the beauty of the nature. When she is not around and I am missing her, I lay down on the grass, eyes closed, the breeze caresses my face and for a moment she's here with me.

It's funny how we associate a place, an atmosphere or simply a scent to a loved one. While she admires the stars, I can't help but stare at her, she looks ethereal, the stars mingling with the gleam of her feisty eyes, her innocence brings such a glow on her face making me skip a beat everytime.

Sometimes it's just the way she looks at me from the corner of the eyes I can see her lips rising in a smile like she is so proud of me and I swear man that frightens me, I want to be her best choice because she deserves so much more.

When I raise my eyebrows at her, she simply shakes her head and smiles at me, I can't help that warm feeling spreading into my chest as she engulfs me in a hug.

The way she trusts me blindly. She has a gentle and soft nature in every day's life but like they say every coin has its two sides, If someone points a finger at her loved ones (me) she won't hesitate a second, the hulk in her will make its appearance and beware if anyone tries to argue with her.

Her claim on me. Even when we are in a fight or ignoring each other, she will never let anyone criticise me in anyway, even if it's in her favor. That's surprising, because she always wants to have the last word. She is very clear about one thing, what happens between us, stays between the four walls of our little heaven. She only has the right to yell at me, to taunt me.

Her kindness. Sometimes I feel that she isn't human, it seems impossible, the way she takes care of my family as if it was her own, fulfilling everyone's needs.

Whenever we go on a trip, she brings a big suitcase with her and fills it with gifts for everyone, she is now everyone's favorite, all of them are smitten by her, to my grandmother till my little nephew and I doubt this has something to do with the gifts but more because of her loving nature.

I often get a pat in the back from my father or brothers, as if saying good choice man and my heart swells with pride when they do so. She is like a saviour, she always manage to keep this once upon a time dysfunctional family of mine united like fingers of a hand.

Her childishness. She acts like a lady but deep down, she still has the innocence and the mischief of a five year old in her, but I have to admit without her craziness, my life would be dull, empty. Watching a movie with her is a disaster.

1) She always gets to pick the movie (she uses those puppy eyes and that pout, to get what she wants). 2) We always end up having a Harry Potter marathon.

Let me clarify, I do not hold any grudges against Harry, it's just that my wife lives the characters. She cries so much when a character dies, laughs at Ron's jokes, finishes Hermione's dialogues and cheers for Harry, whenever he wins a quidditch's match or a duel against Malefoy.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy her antics, she is an entertainment on her own and better than any comedy show. The marathon ends usually with us asleep on the couch, her head on my chest and before sleep takes over me, I try to imprint every countour of her face, every scar, sometimes it seems unbelievable but this little dork is indeed mine.

She is unpredictable. Everyday is a surprise, I feel like she's an open book to me, but each time, I get to know something new about her that I wouldn't have even thought about. She is the most loving person I have ever met in my Life, I remember this incident, we went to this new restaurant, located at the corner of the street, I remember ordering that odd dish and the face I made when it came in front of me, but she didn't think twice before exchanging our plates.

She can be so stubborn sometimes, if she says something, then she will do it no matter what, she doesn't shake while taking decisions I would love to have that kind of willpower. She is my pillar, nobody is as strong as her. I can break down, but she will stand tall and blossom after every storm, she is the kind of flower, whose petals never wilt.

She is not really the kind of girl to display affection. She never really says I love you. But it doesn't matter, because she says it everyday, without any word when she holds my hand tightly without any warning or rushes with an umbrella on cloudy days. She also uses those words, sometimes, before closing the door of my cabin or while I am sleeping, planting a kiss on my forehead, leaving me with a goofy smile.

She doesn't know but when she is fast asleep , be it in the early hours of the morning or late in the night , I just keep staring at her. A strand of hair keeps disturbing her sleep as I tug it behind her ear, she shifts closer to me, she smells vanilla with a tint of lemon and soon it takes over all the room. Every day spent in her company is a blessing and I can't thank my Lord enough for gifting me this angel.

Without her, I was a wanderer in the search of a home little did I know that these two arms and those profound orbs would become my solace."

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