ShraMan OS: Memories

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This is based on episodes 115/116, When Sumo is sleeping and our boy is awestruck by her.

He stood there. In front of the house of his childhood. A memory, long buried in the cemetery of his heart. The very house he grew up in, with the one who gave meaning to his life. His soulmate, Sumo.

He tried hard, but sleep had left him staring at the ceiling of his room and fidgeting with the rubik cube, nothing to do, he had to go. It was like an invisible pull, something pushing him, towards this house, towards her.

Her tear stricken face was constantly haunting him, she had looked so fragile, so vulnerable at that point, letting her guards down, something she never did. The strong and independant woman he knew had taken a back seat, leaving a six year old child, who had lost way too much.

The urge to engulf her in his arms was so sudden, that he had to clench and unclench his fists, several times and take a deep breath. He wanted to hold her, like she had done it in the past, to tell her, it was going to be okay, that he was always going to be there no matter what, but their relationship had reached a stage, where if he tried to hold her hand, she would probably flinch, taking away his last hope and honestly, his heart was not ready to take the fall, yet again.

So, he just sat there and listened silently, something he always did. This was their relationship, this was how they worked, despite the anger, the hurt, the distance, they would always reach out for the other, words were not needed, promises were not required.

As much as he hates to admit it, her sobs wouldn't stop to echo in his mind and here he was at one am in front of the house of the thief who had snatched his sleep. Now that he was here, some steps away from her, he could not get himself to move forward.

Realization hit him. Hard. He would always love her. Even if she didn't. Every time, she would cry, be it ten years ago or now, there was this restlessness he felt inside of him, a dull ache, a scar forged by years of loneliness, regrets and wait. Loving her was hard, consuming and at the same time, it made him feel alive, it made him want to scream it at the top of his lungs. Deep down, he knew that she was the one, he had never imagined a life without Sumo in it, he might be unsure about certain things, but she was a constant, always was, always will.

Reaching the main door, a fleeting image came back to his mind how she had slammed the door the first time, he came back after ten long years, so much had changed since that day, sometimes he wished to be the old Shravan, the one who had no barriers, no boundaries to respect, the old Shravan for whom the whole word turned around his parents, Tiwari killa and... Sumo.

How many times he had run into this house, screaming her name, it was their refuge, their safe heaven amidst the chaos of the big world, a place where they belonged to each other, wher her image or reputation did not matter. A refuge from his parent's daily's fights.

If only, he could go back in time and mend his broken relationships, if only.

After Mausi opened the door, he went straight away to Nanaji's room, the only one who mattered after her. His treacherous heart came alive as his eyes got stuck to her face, her hair fanning on her face. She seemed at peace, serene, nothing like the awaken Sumo, who was finding reasons to fight with him, these days.

He shook himself of his trance. Remembering the fight they had in the evening, how conveniently she had sidelined him implying that she was the sole soul who cared about Nanaji as if he was some stranger.

She looked so tiny though wrapped in that duvet. Sometimes he wanted to take her away from all this, to give her the life she really deserved, a little world of their own, where there will be no compromises, only them. Some dreams were too far fetched to be attainable.

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