Episode 2: Exclusive

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Marisol woke up early the next morning to make sure she looked her best for the exclusive interview with Charlie Bennett of Bennett Records. No one has ever gotten an interview with the CEO of Bennett Records before, if they did, then they failed. Marisol Edison was not going to fail this exclusive interview with him, she couldn't afford to. Just as she was swiftly getting ready, her roommate and best friend Riley Thomas walked into her room and sat down on her bed, her brunette hair all tied up in a messy bun. “Big day, huh?” Riley asked as she opened up the can of cashews, to eat them. “No one has even gotten an interview with the CEO of Bennett Records before, let alone through the front door.” Marisol replied as she picked out a nice black dress with red high heels. “Hmm, sounds ominous.” Riley said as she ate several cashews. “That's because it is, the Bennett brothers don't just let anyone into their building. I'm honestly quite surprised Charlie Bennett is giving an exclusive.” Marisol said as she slipped out of her pajamas and into the black dress. “Have you heard from Morganna?” Riley asked cautiously knowing the history between the two was fractured. “No, I don't think I ever will. It's been 5 years, Ri. She doesn't want anything to do with me.” Marisol replied as she applied her makeup. “That's her own fault, she stole your songs and claimed them as hers. There's a special place in hell for people like her.” Riley said as she got up from Marisol's bed, brushing off her cashew crumbs and walked over to Marisol. “Kill this today, and this could get you to where you want to be at in Crush.” Riley said she played with Marisol's hairstyle. “Trust me, I know. I need this go well for us.” Marisol said.

Marisol walked in the building of Bennett Records, it was bigger than she imagined. The walls were marble effect with flecks of gold in them, she wondered how much it cost the Bennetts to have it all done. In awe, she turned around in a circle, enchanted by the pure beauty of the place. “Miss. Edison, Mr. Bennett will see you now.” A voice said. Marisol turned around to see a small figure of a woman with long black hair and brown eyes staring at her. “Oh yes, sorry.” Marisol replied as she walked over to the woman. “I'm Chelsie, Mr. Bennett’s assistant.” Said the woman. Marisol smiled at her and followed Chelsie to the elevator. Once in the elevator, Chelsie pushed the button for the top floor. “How long have you worked for Mr. Bennett?” Marisol asked inquisitively. Chelsie smiled a sweet smile. “5 years, he's a great person to work for.” She replied as the elevator doors opened to a elegant hallway which mirrored the foyer. The two women stepped out and continued down the hallway into another room, it was studio. The sound system taking pride of place and looked amazing from where she and Chelsie were standing. The room had calming blue walls with white furniture which reflected an ocean theme that breathed a sense of calmness. Marisol breathed in the room, she swore it actually smelled like the ocean. Chelsie walked further into the centre of the room and stood next to a man in a light blue suit. Marisol couldn't hear what they were talking about from her position but the man turned around and greeted Marisol with a smile. It was Charlie Bennett. “Welcome to the magic, Miss. Edison.” He said, smiling. “Thank you for the exclusive.” She replied as she walked further into the room. “My pleasure, but not only is this an exclusive but also a date.” He said charmingly as he turned to the sound board. “Mind if we get started on the exclusive?” She asked, pulling out a recorder from her large purse. “Be my guest, start away.” as he sits down in a big, white, leather chair which engulfs his medium size frame which faced her from behind a similar sized desk. Turning around, she sits down on the big white couch and gets comfortable.

“How do you find your new artists?” She asks.

“YouTube, Twitter, Vine. Any social media outlets.” He says, with a small smirk.

“Nothing old school, huh?” She asks.

“Define old school.” He said.

“Going out into the street, walking around Central Park. There's talent everywhere in NYC.” Marisol replied.

“And you would know this, how?” He said, with a grin.

“Because I take the time to actually see this beautiful city and the beautiful people who are talented.” She smiled.

“Perhaps, I should take time to smell the roses then.” He said.

“I'm sure the roses would appreciate it. They might need a bit of watering though.” She replied.

“All good plants need watering.” He said.

“What made you want to get into the music industry?”

“My dad, he started this company. He would always bring my brother and I here when we were little, we grew up around music and we've always had passion for music.” He said.

“I like that.” Marisol said as she smiled.

She continued to ask him a couple of other questions and in return  he gave her a full tour of the studio. They spent the rest of the morning getting to know each other, after an hour or so, Chelsie called him up to his office saying that there was an artist in crisis. Charlie told Marisol that it was alright to be present as he wanted her to have the full experience at the studio.They walked into his office, to find a tall woman standing impatiently with her phone gripped tightly in her hand. Upon hearing their arrival, the woman turned around and faced them. Her jaw dropped the instant she clasped her fierce green eyes on Marisol.

“Mari?” The woman asked.

“Morganna?” Marisol asked her.

“You two know each other?” Charlie asks them, raising an eyebrow.

“She's my sister.” Marisol said.

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