Episode 3: Rich Boy Likes Art

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Riley Thomas wandered around her art gallery, taking in all of the paintings and photographs that she had gathered over the past few years. Some of them really spoke to her, whereas others didn't. It shocked people that a 21 year old could own and manage an art gallery but this was Riley's passion, and what got her up in the early mornings throughout the year. New Frontier Art Gallery made life in the USA more accustomed and so did having a best friend like Mari. Riley and Mari met online on a website called Skout where you could meet people from all over the world. Riley was the first person to message Mari, and they instantly had a connection. It was hard at the time because Riley was living in Wales and Mari was living in Kansas. About two years ago; Riley and Mari decided to pack up their belongings and make the bold move to NYC. It was the best idea they ever had, granted Riley's parents were still back in Wales but she flew them out every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. As Riley was a single child, she never a had sibling to hang out with, but Mari turned out to be that sibling to her. Mari being 23 years old, Riley looked up to her and confided in her. They say living with your best friend is a bad idea, but for the two women; it was the best thing that ever happened to them. Hearing the doorbell ring indicated that someone had just walked into the gallery. Instantly, Riley made her way to the front of store. There she saw a man in light brown suit, his sunglasses on, completely clean shaven. His light brown hair shimmering in the sunlight which poured in through the windows, the suit made the man even more handsome. “Good morning,” she said as she walked over to the counter. He took off his sunglasses which revealed glistening green blue eyes, and smiled at her acknowledging her greeting. “Good morning,” the man replied back to her. He has come in here before observed Riley. Hannah, Riley’s assistant, scurried into the gallery space and noticing the figure of the man whispered to Riley. “His name is James Bennett, the co-CEO of Bennett Records” “That’s where Mari is right now getting an exclusive interview” replied Riley. Hannah's blonde hair was pulled up into a nice bun, her makeup done beautifully, and she always wore a floral dress. Hannah handed Riley one of the teas and the donut bag, Riley took them happily. “I see he's back again,” Hannah said grabbing a donut from the bag and took a small bite. “Hmm, gee I wonder why he keeps coming back.” Hannah said with a mouth full of donut. “Maybe it's because he’s a boy who likes art and the fact that we are an art gallery, Hannah.” Riley said as she ate one of the donuts. “Maybe or he's seen the ad.” Hannah stated. “What ad?” Riley asked. “I had Mari run an article about the gallery to get people in.” Hannah said as she took a sip of her tea. “You shouldn't have done, Hannah, Marisol doesn't need to be writing about the gallery.” Riley said. “She wanted to and you know when Mari wants to do something, she does. She's fearless.” Hannah said. She was right, when Mari wanted something so bad, she goes out and gets it. Riley wished that she could be fearless like Mari. If it wasn't for Mari’s help, Riley would’ve never moved to the USA, let alone NYC. Mari was the one who found the space to set up the gallery, and also a co-signer on the lease. It also makes going to work easier because their apartment is above the gallery, they paid a little bit extra for it but they were happy about the space they had in both the gallery and the apartment. James Bennett continued to look around the gallery, Riley assumed that he'd seen most of these photographs and paintings already because he's been coming in everyday for two months from what Hannah had told her. Riley was working up the courage to go talk to James, she wondered why he kept coming in everyday for the past two months if he'd already seen the artwork? She walked over to him cautiously, building up the courage to just say hello. She wished that Mari was here to help, she always knew the right thing to say, she always made herself part of the conversation just by standing there, listening and then jumping in when she saw a moment. She channeled her inner Marisol Edison and tapped James on the shoulder. “Hello,” she said, “Liking the art?” She asked nervously as she smiled. “It's beautiful, the pieces you found are truly amazing.” He said as he continued to stare at the painting. “They really are amazing. I found this one in London at an antique shop, the owner had no idea that it is an original Jackson Pollock.” She said tilting her head at an angle. “Agreed, it's a stunning piece.” He said as he turned to face her. “The art isn't the only thing in here that is truly amazing.” He smirked. Riley blushed a deep scarlet and chuckled a little. “I'm Riley Thomas,” she replied holding out her hand for him to shake. He smiled, shaking her hand in a gentle, yet firm grip. “Jamie Bennett.” He said. “Pleasure.” She said. They talked for a little bit longer, he expressed interest in buying the Jackson Pollock for his brother's office at the studio. She told him that she would have to think about it, he then expressed that she should think about while they go on a date. She agreed.

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