Episode 11: A Vacation

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Both Mari and Riley managed to pack lightly for their long flight back to the UK. Mari was nervous about the trip as she had never been to the UK before, whilst Riley could barely contain her excitement. As soon as they had booked their flight, Riley had facetimed her parents to tell them the good news. Her Mum was over the moon at the prospect of her little girl returning for a break, and was making arrangements for her room. She was also looking forward to meeting Mari, who had helped Riley out in her transition from the UK to the USA. The flight was going to be long, about eight hours altogether. Within a matter of minutes from taking off, Riley was fast asleep. She always slept easily when travelling. Mari looked at her phone, and switched it to airplane mode. She thought about Charlie’s last message, and wondered what she should say to him. Soon enough she was fast asleep as well…

About 2 hours into their journey, Mari woke to see Riley engrossed in a book with her headphones in. It was a way to pass the time, but Mari didn’t fancy reading. Instead she got out her well used Ipad, and starting to think about her next assignment. Once her Ipad connected to the on board wifi, it started to spring into life. Emails were flying in from co-workers, and her boss Martin was not happy with her taking a holiday when assignments needed to be done. She ignored his message and moved onto the next few dozen. As she worked through the list, a new mail popped up in her inbox. It was from C.Bennett@BennettStudios.com she couldn’t believe her eyes. Cautiously, she opened it to see a heartfelt message from Charlie. It read:

Dear Mari,

I don’t understand why you ran off the other day after seeing Anna, but I would like to know what happened. When you're ready, I’ll listen.

I hope that this message finds you well, and I hope to see you again soon for our next meeting/date.



Charles Bennett

Bennett Studios.

Mari stared at the message for a couple of seconds, deciphering whether or not what he was saying was true. In the end, she decided that enough was enough. She wasn’t going to listen to her Mother’s threats, she was going to find out more about Charlie Bennett and because she cared for him he meant a lot to her. Tapping the reply button on her screen, an empty message opened ready for her to start typing.

Dear Charlie,

Thank you for your messages. I am sorry that I have been cold and distant towards you. I did not mean for it to seem the way it has. It’s because I care a lot for you that I cannot be around you. However, as for the situation between me and Anna I think you deserve to know the truth and I will give it to you. But it will have to wait until I am back in the states.


She hit the send button, and for a moment her heart leaped inside. She knew that she was doing the right thing, but would Charlie see it that way. Before she had a chance to think more about the scenario, Riley came up for air from her book. Taking the headphones out of her ears, she looked at Mari. “You look as though you’ve just signed your life away.” she said honestly. Mari chuckled. “I feel as though I have” she replied, passing her Ipad over to Riley for her to see for herself. Riley’s face drained with colour, but she also blushed a crimson shade of red at the same time. “So you messaged him back then” she asked. Mari folded the Ipad, and put it back into her bag. “Yes I actually did” she replied. Both girls watched an in flight film for the rest of their journey, until their stop in Dublin airport. There was not much time between one flight and another, but they managed to switch easily without too much trouble. Next stop: UK.

After a short journey from Dublin airport, Mari and Riley arrived in the UK at Cardiff airport. Riley felt so happy to be back on Welsh soil. It felt welcoming and comforting at the same time, that was until she saw her parents waiting for her. She ran to them the moment she saw them, engulfing them in big massive hugs dropping her bags in the process. Mari followed, feeling overwhelmed by the new culture that she was experiencing. It was nothing like the USA. Riley beckoned her over to where she and her parents stood, introduced them. Her Mum embracing Mari into a hug, thanking her for all she had done for Riley. As they made their way out of the airport, into the darkened, wet evening Riley smelled the fresh, seasonal rain. When she was younger she’d complain about it, but since being in the USA rain was a rarity and so she found herself glad to see the rain again. Mari too, took in the smells, the sights of Cardiff streetlights and couldn’t wait to see the country in daylight. As soon as Mari, Riley and her parents returned home Riley was hit with emotion. The cats instantly recognised her and were around her legs, she unpacked as though she hadn’t been away and Mari couldn’t believe how different things were. “I still cannot believe that I am in the UK” she exclaimed. “You have so many nice things!” Riley smiled, knowing that her friend was going to be able to relax really well here in Wales. The countryside for a start would have a positive impact. Her Mum made the girls some dinner, Riley’s favourite. As they sat down to eat, Riley and Mari caught up with her parents.

“So, how are your jobs going?” asked Riley’s mother.

“Oh they’re absolutely great, Mum. The gallery is doing really well. I’ve left it in Hannah’s capable hands this week.” replied Riley.

“It’s a busy time at Crush, but nothing I cannot handle.” Mari pipped in.

“How are you though Mum? Everything alright here with you?” asked Riley. Her Mother sat opposite her with her blonde highlighted hair neatly tied up in a clip, dressed smartly.

“Things are actually quiet here, our jobs are going well, Cats Protection work is plodding along nicely although the new helpline volunteer is not as good as the last one.” Riley’s Mother said with a hint of sarcasm.

Riley laughed. The evening continued with more talking, until both Riley and Mari were shattered and feeling the rough after effects of jetlag. They both said goodnight and headed to their rooms. Riley joined by both cats, on her bed for company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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