Well you see...

0 0 0

He turned around to find a blonde girl. There she was Diana. Chris saw her, turned back to dwijesh and said, 

Dude, she is so out of my league.  I don't even stand a chance to say hello, ssup?  

And just then enters Tony. Tony was a happy-go-Lucky type of person and also a typical "kal Ho naa Ho" type of person. And so without any fear he used to approach girls, display some of his antiques, set himself on a date and never see that girl again. He walked towards Chris and said, 

So Diana huh? 

Who is Diana? 

The blonde you were staring at. 

Nah not really, just happened to see her 

Let me set you up with her 

Saying this, Tony walked towards Diana and said her something (which we learnt later from Diana).  Diana got up from her seat walked towards us with a smile,  but all of a sudden her face turned red, she slapped Chris and then said 

What the hell do you think of yourself. What on earth makes you feel that I am a hooker.

As she said hooker, they both looked angrily at Tony. 

You coward you don't have the courage to walk up to a woman. If you can't respect a woman don't dare to demean her. 

Chris and Dwijesh were totally confused on this turn off events, before Chris could react to this , Dwijesh intervened and said,

Lady, you seem to be mistaken. My friend never regarded you as a hooker. 

The whole crowd was gazing at this scene. Chris, though not guilty, looked rather embarrassed by this. Infact he even apologised. 


Dwijesh: Okay dude, let me tell you something it was a prank. Tony and Diana already knew each other and Tony asked her for this favour owing to which she slapped you and in return Tony paid her bill that night. 

Chris : What the **** I am gonna give him a befitting reply some day, but he is not coming with us. 

He sure isn't. I was just joking about it. Let's do one thing, list out our common friends and then select out one or may be two people to travel with. 

Sounds like a good idea.  

And the title of the List read "Spain - See you soon" 😛 


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