When life throws lemon, make lemonade

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So as they started moving towards the cake shop, all were amazed by the sense of maturity displayed by Dwijesh. That night after they purchased the cake, everyone started heading towards their home, unlike last time, Dwijesh was now dropping Sarvesh and Vicki agreed on dropping Chris. 

On the way, Vicki asked Chris what actually happened between those two love birds. 

Okay here's the thing. 

Back during college, they dated eachother. It was always like, he owned the phone, but she owned the gallery. They used to hang around always, creating and capturing memories and one could find them together at any time of the day. But after college, things changed. Dwijesh had to leave the city for a course I always dreamed of pursuing while Ishita got admission in a college which had a bad influence over her. 

Dwijesh could not give much time to Ishita as he was trying to settle in the new place and the college assignments kept him busy. On the other hand, Ishita got frustrated as things were not the same between them now. So one day when Dwijesh was back in the town, he called her up but no one answer the phone. On trying again, a guy answered the call and said, Ishita was busy with some stuff, and he could the give the message to her. 

Though this didn't rung a bell in Dwijesh's mind, it surely did in mine. And that was because Ishita didn't have a brother and it was around 11.30 in the night. 

The next day Dwijesh, Ishita and me were hanging out together but she hesitated quite a time. I gave them their privacy thinking there might be a lot of things left unsaid between them. 

*present *

Dude watch out, there is a stray dog there. 

Vicki dodged it well.  

And they now reached Chris's place. 

So, keeping the suspense on, Chris said, let's keep something to be talked about in Spain and he walked out of the car by giving a high five. 

On the other hand, Dwijesh and Sarvesh was talking about his behaviour at the bar. 

Sarvesh could not stop himself from appreciating the way Dwijesh behaved. 

Dude for God's sake stop that. 

Okay!  But tell me one thing how? How did you manage 

Look it's simple. At one point of time in your life, you just need to take what life is throwing at you. You see when life throws lemon at you, make lemonade, that's the best thing you can do. What's the point being angry or sad about things out of your control. And yes, today's lecture on philosophy is over, we have reached your place. They shared a smiled as Sarvesh walked away. 

On the way back to his home, Dwijesh texted Ishita.  

P.S Next part coming soon 

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