// One \\

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Mateless and annoyed is how I first started my senior year of high school.

People linger in the hallways as I make my way to my last class of the day. All around me there are couples holding hands, kissing, and flirting. It seems that many people found their mates, or what humans would consider their 'soulmates,' this past summer which only makes me want to vomit.

I never understood the fuss about finding a mate. I'd rather choose my love than have it be determined by the Moon Goddess. Why did she get a say in who I should spend the rest of my life with?

I should be the one to choose!

Once I reach my classroom, I hurriedly walk in and plop down in my desk situated at the far end of the room. I need to get this year over with before I murder someone because at this point, I am sick and tired of everyone being all lovey-dovey with one another. It also doesn't help that many keep asking me if I have found my mate yet. Can they mind their own business?

I begin to doodle in my notebook as my teacher passes out the pretest. Giving the sheet a once over, I glance to the front where Ms. Slate writes 'thirty minutes' on the whiteboard.

Every year at the beginning of the semester, we take a pretest in almost every class , so later on the teachers could see how we've improved throughout the school year. To be honest, I think it is completely pointless and annoying to have to go to every single class on the first day and take a test we know absolutely nothing about.

Thankfully, this is my last one, and it is English: my favorite subject.

"Alright class. You have the rest of the hour to do this. Once you're done, hand it to me, and you may be dismissed," my teacher tells us in her low, raspy voice.

I swear, if I didn't see her walk into the girl's restroom, I'd think she were a man. She has the attire of a lumberjack and sounds like she is ready for her fourth round of "flapjacks."

I gnaw on my pencil, skimming over the large excerpts from plays and books that we'd be reading over the school year. I begin to fill in answers up until the bell rang. A groan escapes my lips; I only got half of it done.

Whatever. It's just a pretest.

I get up and hand my teacher the sheet with a forced smile. She gives me a tight lipped one back before I exit the room.

I am finally done. Hallelujah!

As I approach my locker, grabbing my backpack and phone, my best friend, Kaia, approaches me with a huge smile.

Ever since she has found her mate a month ago, she's been happy-go-lucky every single minute of every damn day.

Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart, but her extra perky attitude recently has really gotten on my nerves.

"El, girlie! Dante said he can drive us home, so we don't have to take the bus," she says as I close up my locker.

I give her a slight smile. "As long as I'm not riding that wretched hell on wheels, then it sounds good to me."

She laughs while shaking her head.

"Good grief, I love you," she states, still slightly chucking as we head out towards the parking lot.

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