// Two \\

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I blink not once, not twice, but three times before fully comprehending what the gorgeous man has said to me.

This isn't just my imagination creating this for me...right?

First of all, bless the Moon Goddess for pairing me with such a beautiful man because honestly, a girl like me couldn't get a man like him if it weren't for a strong mate bond.

Second of all, I'm pretty sure my mate must be either a Beta or Alpha based upon his stature and his aura of importance.

My wolf senses a very strong authoritarian vibe from him. This poor, higher-ranking, gorgeous man is paired up with an Omega.

"I uh ...what?" I stutter, still hypnotized by his beauty. He smiles and let out a slight laugh before tugging my hand so my body is flush up against his muscular yet lean one.

I finally peel my eyes away from him and look over at my best friend who has a huge grin on her face. Dante is also beaming, too.

"I just can't believe my mate is so incredibly beautiful..." Maverick trails off, gazing lovingly into my eyes. My cheeks warm up, indicating a blush must be forming.

Did he just call me beautiful?

"So, does that mean you won't sue me?" Dante asks, scratching the back of his neck with a nervous laugh.

I'm pretty sure Maverick could care less about his car right now, considering he just met his mate aka me.

"Dante baby! Can you not see that they're having a moment?!" Kaia shrieks while slapping his arm. He frowns at her slightly before shifting his gaze towards Maverick and I.

"Oh. Uh sorry... we'll go wait in the car then..." he awkwardly apologizes before dragging Kaia with him into the car.

Now, it's just me gazing up at Maverick. After about a minute of silence, he speaks up.

"Elora...your name suits you," he says with a sultry gleam in his eyes, making me bite my lower lip.

My wolf is just going crazy over him right now. S

I'm just happy that my mate isn't a total possessive mate like in those typical romance werewolf novels. They always involve the girl meeting her mate who is territorial and mean as hell, before they break down his walls and see he is truly a softie. At least my mate is, or at least, seems good and not like an asshole.

I scan his whole body swiftly before meeting his gaze. Underneath his tighter blue shirt is definitely some rock hard abs that would make any girl swoon. And by 'any girl,' I mean myself because I think I'm going to be the more territorial one in the relationship.

What the hell, wolf? Stop being so infuriating!

"Elora... did you hear what I asked?" His eyes gleam with amusement, obviously internally laughing at how I'm literally drooling at his hotness.

"Uhh no. I'm sorry, it's just...I can't believe you're my mate," my voice comes out as a whisper, but due to our intense super hearing, he hears it.

"Why is that so unbelievable? Are you not happy with me as your mate?" I can hear the hurt laced within his voice.

"No no no, I'm ecstatic that you are. It's just... you deserve a mate that is up to your level—rankwise and lookswise," I reply hastily, and immediately a huge smirk comes across his face.

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