time 08 | tempt the bottom feeding love

156 12 11

song is duelist by true widow

get ready for a long ass chapter, y'all. finally came up with the plot, so we'll see how that goes.

also, if ur reading this, ur ass is fat and I'm in love with u.

god I wish I'd set this in college instead. I could change it but that would be sooooo much editing. I just feel too old to be writing about 18 yr olds (I'm 21), but half of this was written when I was 17. part of me feels like scrapping this whole thing and starting from the top, but I'm using this story as an excuse to get back into writing again. I want to get better, but it takes time and practice. after this is done, I will probably write more with JoJo and give him a whole new story or something. literally who knows, there's no law saying I can't publish fifteen different garbage stories about the same motherfuckers. anyways, i just want it to be known that I know this story is a dumpster fire.

When Leo woke up, JoJo was tiredly eating cold fried rice out of a takeout container at the foot of the bed

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When Leo woke up, JoJo was tiredly eating cold fried rice out of a takeout container at the foot of the bed. Somehow he looked worse than the night before. The bruising had really settled in. The room was uncharacteristically chilly and the sun was rising slow and groggy, shining bleakly off the top of Jo's shaved head. His mom really had ordered food, then. They must've been out when it showed up.

He sat up and stretched, rubbed absently at his knee where his jeans had bunched up in the night. He mentally chided himself for falling asleep in jeans again. He already knew it was a bit hopeless, but piped up in a cheery tone anyway just in case the universe decided to bless him with an okay morning. "Feelin' okay?"

JoJo grunted and put the takeout box down on the floor, chop sticks poking out the top. He wouldn't even looking at Leo, which made his stomach sink. "Been worse." JoJo stood up and headed towards the hall. Just before he passed under the doorway, he turned to Leo. He looked like he was deciding whether or not to say anything. "Jun has called you, like, twice. You should pick up your phone more often." He disappeared down the hallway without leaving room for a response and Leo flopped back against the pillows with the most teenager-y groan you've ever heard. Another shitty day? Another one? This had to be a fucking record, right? Every day for the last week had been, over all, terrible. It felt like a joke.

He fumbled around defeatedly for his phone, found it where JoJo had been sleeping. Yep, two missed calls. He groaned again as a text came through. Of course it was Jun. 'Can I give you a ride to school? '

He shot a text back. 'Maybe.' Part of him wanted to say 'thanks for ruining my morning, prick,' instead, like it was even Jun's fault.

He could hear JoJo turning the shower on in the other room. What was with him? He'd been fine last night! Well, really, they'd hardly talked at all, JoJo didn't get a chance to be mad at him. He was too busy being beaten up and exhausted. Postponed their fight until today. He pulled the covers back over his head, mood officially ruined. Yeah, he kind of deserved it. He hadn't been there for JoJo when he said he would and he was constantly giving Jun the run around, but fuck. Why? Oh, and he had that stupid idiot concert he told Jones he'd go to tonight. Of course. Of course! He just wanted to cry again.

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