time 09 | tonight the center of the sun will separate in sparks

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song is drella by pierce the veil, pics are the picrews i made of leo n jojo a while back (:

song is drella by pierce the veil, pics are the picrews i made of leo n jojo a while back (:

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JoJo still felt like a wet sock by the time the concert rolled around

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JoJo still felt like a wet sock by the time the concert rolled around. He and Marcus stood in line with their hands in their pockets while Jones raved on about how excited she was to see the band. Leanne was already flirting with a tall butch girl with red hair. How she managed to pull so many bitches was beyond JoJo, he honestly found her kind of annoying sometimes. He glanced over at Marcus to see that he looked just about as amused as he felt, and they nodded in solidarity. This was bound to blow chunks.

Everyone else in line looked like they'd rolled out of bed and into a Hot Topic circa 2002, which was cool except that none of the gang seemed to have gotten the memo. JoJo would have at least worn his wallet chain if he knew they were about to get all System of a Down on him.

"Kieran told me they're going to be second to last, so we don't have to stick around forever." Jones scratched at the back of her neck, and JoJo felt like a dick for being such a buzzkill. Marcus wasn't helping, what with his sullen face and all, but she'd been a lifesaver today, and Jo figured he could at least try for a smile.

He threw his arm around her shoulders and scruffed up her hair. "Hey, it's cool. We can stick around however long you wanna."

She brightened up a little at that, shot her hands up into her hair to make sure it hadn't been ruined. Marcus was looking off into the distance, probably at some birds or something. "I know it's not really your thing, but I didn't want to go alone in case this guy's a creep or something."

"I'm glad we're here. It'll be fine once the music starts. I'm just, you know." He shrugged. In a bad mood. In the pits of despair. Really not having a time. Wallowing in misery. She got it.

The line inched forward finally as they started letting people through the doors. JoJo checked his phone for the millionth time in hopes that Leo had said something, anything. No luck again. He couldn't blame him, but he also couldn't ignore the way his heart kept sinking further and further into his stomach. Time and space, whatever, whatever. He just wanted things to be back to normal. Leo should have been at the show with them.

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