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*3 years later*

published by @istankpopq&ks


Its been officially 3 years after the first season of Underrated has aired and it has also been 1 year after the project group Times8 disbanded. There has been rumors speculating that Underrated will comeback with a season 2. No one was sure if it was going to happen so we decided to ask the girls of Times8 if they knew anything.

To my surprise no one knew. That was the company CEO who created the show spoke up. The CEO has said that Underrated will be filming its next season soon after they here back from the other companies. He also said that for season 2 they will extend the trainee amount but debut the same amount of girls.  Also they will shorten the competition length so more trainees will be eliminated after each round. That was all he has said, let's hope and see how season 2 will turn out!


@lovetimes8! // yessssss! I love Times8 so I know the new group that will debut will be just as good.

@minswagD // let's hope this season is better and also better organized. If it is I might actually watch until the end.

@queenchunghassi // i couldn't even cope with Times8 disbanding and now they want to form another girl group!??

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