Twenty Seven

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One year later...

My heart sank when she said Yes.

It was all I wanted.

Today was the day, a year later. The day we walked down the aisle.

Now don't get me wrong, I was shitting bricks. SHITTING BRICKS! Today was the day I give up my old ways for good, no more fake cat calling, no more going to clubs and being surrounded by bitches, no more nothing. I was fine with that though.

Right after Toni had our son, she snapped right back. Literally. Her body was better than before, her hips had gotten wider and her ass spread more and more each squat she did with a little help from me every now and then.

"Man sit still Ej." Jupiter said trying to put Ej's shoes on.

I chuckled and fixed my tie in the mirror. Ej, also known as Eric Junior was our son, was our ring bearer. Johnny being my best man, Jupiter dumb ass was one of my groomsmen and so was Marco and Marcus. We all were cramped up in this little ass room in the little ass shit I want to call it a shack because that's how small it was.

Toni had her girls all over on the other side while they got dressed and shit but to be honest we were all dressed and had just got our hair cut, we were just ready for that knock on the door from Rosie telling us that we had to get to our places.

"Come here lil man." I said sitting down on the couch.

Ej climbed off Jupiter's lap and made his way to me. Shit he just started walking three months ago but his lil ass be hitting them steps every chance he get. When her reached me I picked him up placing him on my lap.

"My boy looking fresh like his daddy!" Johnny said coming back into the room.

"Nigga where you been?" I laughed.

"Shit the bar bitch, I need a drink." He said scrunching up his face.

"If that ain't god talking I don't know what is." Marcus said making us all laugh.

"You ready bro? Just waiting on that knock." Johnny said sitting down next to me.

"Shit, shitting bricks. Never the less I'm ready." I chuckled.

"You got this bro-" Jupiter was cut off when we all heard the knock on the door.

I blew a breath out and shook my head.

"You guys ready?" Rosie asked peaking her head in. We all laughed because she had her eyes covered.

Everyone looked at me.

Shit I was ready.

"Yeah," I said putting Ej on the the ground and standing up grabbing his hand. "We're ready."

"Alright! Let's get you guys to the girls and Eric you and Johnny head on down to the alter." We both nodded and I passed Ej down down to his grandma and he waved.

"Bye dada." He smirked looking back at me and Johnny.

"Bye lil man." I waved.

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