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Ayato was dying of tiredness because of the mission with the Aogiri when he saw a coffee shop that looked interesting so he decided to enter. when he entered he could hear some music. "Oh! is with live music..nice" he thought. The only place he found it was in front of the stage, he ordered a black coffee and sat down.

The person who was singing finished and everyone applause, even Ayato. Then a cute girl takes the stage and take out a violin, Ayato couldn't take his eyes of her the moment he first saw her."Emm..Sorry for interrupt your meal ladies and gentleman, but i just want to say that i'm going to play the violin for you because i can't sing..sorry" some people chuckle. "Hope you enjoy it" and with that said she started playing.
Ayato was hypnotised, she was amazing! suddenly he felt so relaxed and happy, the stress he had on the mission has completely disappeared. • • •
"Thank you for listening to my music, hope you enjoyed it" she bow and stepped down from the stage. She was leaving when Ayato grab her wrist. "Hey! wait a minute...What's your name?Would you like a cup of coffee?" he asked, she blushed while thinking "He was the guy who couldn't stop watching me when i was playing"
"I'm glad. My name is (y/n) nice to meet you..." "Ayato" "Nice to meet you Ayato"
the both of you smile to each other.

AYATO KIRISHIMA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now