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Christmas was near the corner and you were really excited about it, you already have ayato's present, it was a black hoodie, simple but his hoodie was old and ugly so you decided to bought him a new one. You was cooking the dinner, some tasty body part from yesterday victim with a delicious blood sauce.

On the other hand, Ayato was searching for your present, he has something in mind and it was a book, but he doesn't know what kind of book so he was struggling with that. After one hour he bought you a novel about a couple that struggle with life and their mental health, it looked interesting to him.

He went back and when he opened the door the first thing he noticed was thr delicious smell.

-Yo Stupid! this smell really good..- you laughed at him.

-Thanks babe! Go take a shower and change to something comfortable but elegant please!- Ayato nodded and went straight up to go take a shower. After some minutes he went down and saw you decorating the table - Hey...it's your turn to take a shower- you nodded and went up.


It was 10:50pm when you started serving the plates with the delicious food. After you two ate you went to sit on the sofa, he sat next to you but facing you.

-Here- you gave him your present- It's not that much but i hope you like it- he open it and smiled at you.

-Thank you, i really needed one....here-he gave you his present, you looked at him and he looked nervous, you open it and smiled at him.

-Thank you, i finished my last book yesterday- you hugged him and he hugged you back.

-i want to tell you something....i just want to tell you that i'm greatfull that you are here with me this christmas and that i really love you a lot even tho i never tell you that..- he looked down, you raised his head up and smiled at him wit tears in your eyes.

-I'm tankfull too that you are still here with me- You hugged him and he kissed you.

That night the two of you were in the sofa, you reading your new book and Ayato sleeping on your lap with his new hoodie, right next to the chimney.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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