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Ayato were in his room listening to music when a specific song came.

"This song..." in his memories flashes some childhood memories, you were in the most of them."Ugh..not again.." he stand up and went to grab a book, in that book was the letter you wrote to him..but it looks damaged and dirty. Of course it was open but he only read it once.

When you left the letter in the morning, his father pick up the mail later and gave it to him, when Ayato read the letter he cry of anger and threw the letter away, but later he went back and save it. He swear that he would destroy de CCG and find you. That same day in the afternoon he was going to confess his love for you.

"I was so stupid back then..sigh" 

He live in a apartment since his father died, so he decided to go out for a walk. 

He was walking in the street, ignoring everyone.

She was walking in the street, trying to stop thinking. 

He was watching the sky when a girl pass next to him "That girl..." He thought, but he couldn't stop so he turn back and he saw that she was also looking back.

"Ayato..?" She first talk. It was her, his first love, she was right in front of him. he couldn't believe it.

"(y/n)? Are you really (y/n)??" "Yes..I am (y/n).."She smiled but tears were falling down her face.

"i finally found you.." Ayato didn't know what to do, he was in shook. You run into him and hug him. "I th-thought i'd never s-see you again!" He hug her back. 

They were so happy that finally have each other again.

AYATO KIRISHIMA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now