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You were in your room cleaning your bookshelf, when a book fell on your foot.
"Shit! what the fuck...oh!" it was the album with all your childhood memories. "I thought i lost you.."you whisper.
You started seen the album, the first photo you saw was a picture of you and your childhood friend. "Ayato..." you smiled. The two of you were in the park next to a tree, Ayato was holding a net and you had a little cage with a little butterfly. He hated bugs so he looked uncomfortable, your smile was big and you looked so happy.

You started feeling nostalgic, but you still seeing the pictures, because why not..
You saw a picture that left you thinking.. in the photo the two of you were 13 years old and you were hugging his arm, and you just noticed that he was blushing "Ha..cute.." that was the last photo you had because it's supposed he have the others.

You lay on your bed and started remembering Ayato...He was your only friend when you were little, he were the first person who didn't refuse your friendship. He always waited for you to go play, but when you complied 13 years the CCG found your father location so you had to leave that house, You cried a lot when your mother said to you that you needed to pack your things. You remembered that you wrote a letter for Ayato and you left it in his mailbox before you left.

"This is so embarrassing... i'm sure he didn't read that stupid letter.." you covered your face with your arm"..Stupid Ayato.."

He was your first love.

After remember those memories, you decided to go out for take a break...

AYATO KIRISHIMA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now