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We were sitting in the living, He was watching a movie while i was o the floor, next the window watching the clouds. . . i was bored.

"Ayato.."i said "Mhm?" he didn't even looke at me. "Im Bored" "And what?! you want me to entertain you?" "Let's do something crazy!!"

And that's how we start our trip to the beach, just for the day, the two of us.

[In the car]

Ayato was driving and i was in the pasanger seat, next to him. I put some music because i was getting sleepy and i don't want that, so i put the music on random and he start singing, i smiled.

"Why are you smiling, idiot?" He look at me for a second "Because i love you ;)" i said. He blushed and smiled "I love you too crazy bastard" We laugh at each other. 

[In the Beach]

We were sitting in the sand, i was in the middle of his legs with my back on his chest, we were watching the sunset, i was close to fall asleep when i felt something on my head. I scream and jump shaking my head and Ayato was laughing, i pouted and jump falling on him.

"OW! You stuoid brat! that hurt you know!? You're heavy" He pick me up and run to the water. He wanted to throw me but we end up falling together.

AYATO KIRISHIMA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now