cream and sugar

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   -{   •   time is the enemy   •   }-
           -{ • moving on is the fight   •   }-

winter almost felt eternal, but luckily the warmth of fires keeps everyone warm. {Name} carefully started to organize her master's office. it wasn't something he liked them to do, but they have to. it's their job.
as she stacked the letters in a pile, one stood out. it was still open, and it was from a woman named Adrianna Keylock. was this the origin of {Name}'s name? for The curiosity that lingered in the room, she decided to read the letter.

Dearest Daniel,

as sad as it is to say, my husband is started to catch on to us. i believe it isn't safe for me, or for you. i am planning on running away, and since i know my husband so well. i know he will search for me, then we can run off together.
my heart aches for you, i cannot get your body out of my head, my body calls for your touch. touching myself isn't the same as you. my husband can't do anything but drink and stay at inns with whores.
i truly want to be with you, it calls from my mind and body. i might not last through this winter without you. but please come find me, once the snow stops in the sky and the sun starts to shine. i will wait for you, at the place we met.
Adrianna Keylock

{Name}'s face was filled with hatred and disgust. her owner was sleeping with a married woman, and yes he sounds terrible. but it isn't right. her owner's family died of disease, but this isn't the way to get love. this is taking it. she quickly ran through the halls, searching for Annie or Aaron.
even if their owner was good to them, who knows what else he would do. he is having an affair with a woman, it's not right.
"Slow down, Adrianna! Why so worry?"
the girl caught her breath, holding the letter in her hand she pulled it up to his face. Aaron was confused, pushing the letter down, then grabbing it once he read "my husband is catching on to us."
"Adrianna, listen. We can't tell anyone, we will rot."
"But he is taking a woman's love!"
"Lower it down. I don't know much about our owner, but ask Annie. She's been here the longest."
{Name} nodded soon running off without the letter. once she found Annie she asked her about the General's past, about his family.
"His family, what happened?"
"Oh dear. A long story it is, but I'll make it quick. The General's real name is Daniel, Daniel Lusterburn. When he was young he was forced into a marriage, soon his wife carried a child. Once the child was born, it was obvious it wasn't his. A divorce was settled and he met a girl during war, they fell in love. Soon they engaged, her father didn't want them to marry so they ran off and married. She became pregnant and gave birth to two children, Annie and Aaron. And of course her name was Adrianna. Daniel went back to war, when he came back his wife and children were hung. His town was hung, every single person the small town. He came to New York for a new start, I believe he renamed us as so to replace his family. Why do ask this?"
"This woman is having an affair with him, her name is Adrianna Keylock."


                          after {Name} and Annie gave the letter to one of their owner's friends he was soon in the papers. once when Aaron went out for groceries some people questioned him about Daniel.
as {Name} went out to the animals, to feed them she noticed one of the horses was freezing. her eyes grew of sympathy for the animal, she went towards it to help. carefully grabbing it by the neck it started to stand and huff, she stepped back in surprise. but soon the horse hit her into the fence of the small barn. a short rush of pain leaned against {Name}.
she brushed it off and continued to her duties. walking back to the house she heard some bickering, it wasn't Aaron or Annie. it was Daniel and some other familiar voice. opening the door, the two voices looked at her. Alexander Hamilton and Daniel.
"{Name}, what happened?"
"It's nothing, just a scratch."
"You're bleeding!"
Alexander walked up to her, pulling out a handkerchief wiping the blood of her forehead. her cut wasn't small but not big, enough to leave a small scar.
                       her owner, Daniel gave a dirty look. his eyes read that he was jealous, but his posture was of anger.
"Hamilton, sir. How do you know her real name? Rather more, how do you now her."
                      the slave stood still, she forgot they weren't supposed to have a close contact with his acquaintances. Alexander turned his head around, still helping her with the cut."
"Well sir, I met her at dinner. She was doing her work and I got lost for the bathroom, I met her. {Name}, told me her name, her real one. Not your dead wife's."
"You have no right to speak of family, you have no right to speak to my slaves!"
"You have no right to speak to me like that, I am a higher rank. I can take you out in one small paper."
                          the room gained silence, {Name} carefully looked at the two men. Alexander was in front of her, almost protecting her from Daniel. But Daniel froze, he needed to be careful of his words.
"Get out. Get out of my house."
"You should have word from the office soon."

                             -{ • }-

                          {Name} slowly walked towards the stairs, she hasn't made contact with her owner in the past two days. the confusion of fear and nervousness scared her, keeping her away from him.
                          she stopped once she felt the stairs become heavy, turning around she saw the large figure look at her in anger. a hard smack screamed into her ears, her cheek turned red.
"You bitch. You messed everything up for me."
"Sir, your coffee is ready."
                        he pulled {Name} up from the ground and turned towards Annie who spoke. he nodded.
"What would you like?"
                   "Cream and sugar."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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