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Just wanted to tell everyone that in this story, things don't go in EXACTLY the order the show does.

Hannah comes right before junior year right after Jasmine leaves to Southern California to live with her dad. The photo Justin/Bryce sent out in the beginning of the year has already happened. So Jasmine doesn't know about the picture or what Justin did.

Jessica, Hannah and Alex were once friends but split up once Alex and Jessica got together like normal. But they broke up just because (not because of the list)  and then Jessica got with Justin. But note that Alex and Jessica are now back together at this point in my story.

Nothing in Hannah's tapes have completely happened yet except for Sheri's tape and Justin's first tape and some other scenes in the show that aren't mentioned in Hannah's tapes such as Alex almost running Monty over with his car (as mentioned by Alex all the way back in chapter 3).

I'm telling you all this to clear things up and so people aren't confused because the tape events are going to start unfolding in the story and things are going to get VERY messy VERY quickly.

Remember though, this is MY plot and Hannah's tapes won't play out exactly like the show does.

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