Chapter 28: Beyond the Isles

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On the next day, they paid for another visit to the Veldt Museum and sought Rasha. Shortly after handing the belt to the curator they visited the palace. The servants opened the doors and motioned them to come in. The queen, sitting on her throne, watched them walking along the carpet.

"Your majesty, we brought you a nightingale," after a polite bow, Rhen showed her the birdcage.

"A nightingale! Thanks you for your gift. I'll sleep much better now," Ugart received the birdcage and handed it over to the queen.

"For your deed, please take this interesting bridle a noble woman from Veldt gave me several years ago," her servant handed them a fancy looking bridle. "I've no need for such an item, but perhaps you'll find a use for it on your journey."

"Thank you very much, your majesty." with another bow they excused themselves.


"Hey! Maybe we could catch the dragon with the bridle that the queen gave us," suggested Lars when they were walking under the scorching sun at the outskirt of Veldt.

"Good idea," Rhen ran to the cave where the dragon was located. She took out an apple and fed the dragon while caressing its head as Lars jumped onto its back and buckled up the bridle.

"Argh! The dragon won't let me on its back!" the dragon did not budge even though was trying to control the creature.

"We need a professional. Perhaps a dragon rider," said Elini. "If I'm not mistaken, there's one in Veldt. He was captured when he tried to steal the queen's treasures not long ago."

"Where is this dragon rider that we can meet?" asked Rhen.

"He's been imprisoned in the jail at the back of the inn."

It was minutes before Elini brought them to the town inn. They walked in hastily, ignoring the stares of the people (and wondered what's with the funny clothing they were wearing) and headed to the back. They found themselves walking in a storeroom where the bartenders stored their finest ale and rum imported from other places. The summoner moved an empty cask away, revealing a trapdoor. With a heft, she pulled it open and walked down the stairs, with others followed suit.

The so-called jail, as what they said, was no different than a junkyard. Shards of broken glasses littered on the floor, casks of rum piled together at a corner. Before them stood a dishevelled man leaning against the wall. He walked toward and stood behind the metal bar to meet his visitors.

"Guys, meet the infamous Pirate John," addressed Elini.

"Well well, what we haf 'ere," said the man. "Yer backed, with five mor' friends wif ya." He looked at his visitors and stretched out his filthy hand, "Pirate John, pleased to meet ya."

Rhen shook John's hand, who looked at Elini, "So, haf ya changed yer mind? It smells in 'ere. I dunno if I can take the stench much longer."

"We should think about taking the pirate with us," said Lars blankly. "If he's a dragon rider as he claims to be, we can use him."

"Yea, I'm the one-and-only dragon rider in this area," said the prisoner, eyes gleamed with full of hope. "I bet ya might need such a skilled rider 'ere. Whadaya think?"

Rhen looked at the pirate, "On one condition. If you steal anything from us, we'll--" she pulled out her sword and pointed at him, "--hunt you down and make your life miserable."

"I swear on my mother's grave that you can trust me," said John, who gulped hard. Putting her sword away, Rhen pick-locked the jail door and he was free.

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