Chapter 25: Genie's Request

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"Dreamer, I've received reports that Ahriman's minions have invaded Veldarah of the Eastern Kingdom, Sedona of Western Kingdom and Thornkeep not far from here," said the Oracle.

"So, it has begun," said Talia. "We must to get ready."

"I'll perform a magic barrier spell to protect the temple. Dreamer, thicken the Mist."

"Yes, Oracle."

"Devin, do you still know how to use a sword?" asked the elderly woman. "We might need some help to defend the temple."

"I'm on it!" shouldering his backpack, he turned and ran to the basement to get himself ready.

"My fellow druids, let me escort you to somewhere safe," the oracle led the four druids downstairs.

"Rhen, save the druids quickly," murmured Talia to herself. She closed her eyes and started chanting, "Aizik, Misto, Foga, Ismo, ... "


Lars let go of his opponent and Rhen pulled him out of the quicksand.

"You're a worthy opponents. My honor is yours," said Ugart with courtesy.

"Well done, outlanders. You may have the lamp," the queen turned her attention to the sorcerer. "Young man, what's your name?"

Lars didn't notice the queen was asking him until Rhen elbowed him, "Who, me? I'm Lars."

"I could use another strong husband," mused the queen.

"The men are spoken for," Te'ijal rolled her eyes, and Galahad snorted.

"A shame," said the queen. "Take the lamp and leave my castle."

Rhen took the fancy lamp and put it into the backpack. The queen yawned afterward.

"You look tired, your majesty. Is something wrong?" asked the sword singer.

"Indeed. I've had a dreadful nightmares lately and I can't get a decent night's rest," sighed the queen. "If only I had a nightingale."

"How could a nightingale help you?"

"Its song wards off nightmares."

"We'll keep an eye on it," after a bow, Rhen and the other left the palace.


"Come in," said Ahriman at someone rasping the door. His visitoe came in and knelt in front of him.

"Sire, everything is going smoothly according to our plan," said the hooded man.

"Good, keep up with your work. We will fulfill the objective real soon," Ahriman was satisfied with his duties. "You should go back to where you from, they might wonder where you are at the time like this."

"Yes, sire," he stood up, gave a bow to his master, and left the room.


After brunch, they had gathered in the guest room. Lars rubbed the lamp and the genie appeared.

"Oh, it's just you again," he was scratching his back as if he had just woke up from his slumber. "Have you found me a new lamp? I want a luxurious lamp, mind you. I'll accept nothing less!"

"Genie, how bout this lamp? Do you like it?" Rhen showed him the lamp which the queen gave them recently.

At the sight of it, he beamed, "Nice lamp, I'll take it!"

"I don't think we need to take the genie and his new lamp with us, Rhen," pointed Lars.

"I agree," she nodded. "Elini, would you like to take care of this genie?"

"I'd love to," she smiled. "I've always wanted a genie as a pet."

Lars turned his attention back to the turban-head man, "Now that we've helped you, genie. It's time for you to help us. How can we get to the demon in your old lamp?"

"Rub the lamp and it'll take you inside," he yawned and went into the lamp to enjoy his new home.

"Humans, I'll search for the nightingale that you speak of," offered Te'ijal.

"Thank you. Here's what you need," Rhen gave her the birdcage that she'd bought in Veldarah and a tiny lump of beeswax that they'd obtained from The Mist."

"I'll keep an eye on the blood sucker," said Galahad. "Just in case she feed on that poor little creature."

"That will be...great. Thank you?"

"Alright guys, you ready?" asked Lars impatiently. Rhen and the others stood closer to him as he started rubbing the lamp. One second they were in the room, then afterward the whole place dissolved into a bright light.


Rhen opened her eyes, and she realized she was not inside the lamp. Instead, she found herself somewhere in a sandy land. The feeling of unfamiliarity made her shivered involuntarily.

"Lars? Dameon? Elini? Where are you?" she looked around to search for her friends, but even a slightest bit of trace of them couldn't be seen. After a sigh, she trudged along the vast emptiness while turning up her head and looking at the crimson-red sky. She couldn't even figure out it was day or night as the sun or the moon disappeared from view.

Soon the surrounding dissolved and Rhen was standing in front of a double oak door. She turned the elegant doorknob and entered the room. The door clicked as soon as it closed itself and Rhen was trapped inside. A throne got her attention as she squinted her eyes to scan around the creepy-looking room. Approaching the throne, her hand inched closer to touch it...

"Ahh, you're here," came a familiar voice.

Adrenaline kicked in and Rhen unsheathed her sword. She was too late to realize that she was trapped inside a magical barrier. Her limbs went numb, neither move her hands nor her legs. Out in the darkness, a hand was stretched and it beckoned Rhen to come over. The barrier obeyed the command and Rhen started floating towards it. The figure then revealed himself and Rhen swore that she would crush him upon the next meeting once and for all.

"What do you want?" spatted Rhen.

"I mean no harm, the chosen one," said the hooded figure. "This is just an illusion, and I have message for you."

Rhen felt her spine went cold, it was too real to be merely an illusion. She could imagine that she could smell his breath when he spoke.

"I must impress that you have come so far, child, but you can't defeat me. I will rule the world and make you kneel under my feet!"

"NO! I will stop you, no matter what!"

He chuckled, "Remember, child: Your closest one can be your worst nightmare."

Before Rhen could ask further, the hooded one waved his hand and she was passed out.

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