you had told me sooner

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09: what if you had told me sooner?

"Tsukishima, watch out!" Sugawara warns and I immediately avert my eyes from you. Hinata can't help but burst out laughing when the volleyball slams against my face. My glasses, along with myself, fall to the floor due to the impact, and I hear your footsteps as you run towards me.

You kneel beside me, a look of utter surprise and amusement in your eyes. I don't blame you; it's not everyday I don't pay attention to the game. "Are you okay?" You ask, before picking up my glasses. "It's broken." The lens are indeed cracked, and the only thing I can see clearly without them at the moment is your concerned face. "Y-Your nose..."

"Kageyama, apologize!" Sugawara demands. You laugh quietly as he tries to say the simple word. "[Name], do you mind taking him to the infirmary?"

"Of course not," You smile, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. The King bows, causing my brow to twitch in irritation.

"" He stammers, and you press your fingers to your lips to stifle your snickers. "S-Surry!"

"You're adorable, Kageyama." You say with a fond smile. I tug on your wrist with my free hand, the other pinching my bleeding nose, and start to drag you out of the gym and towards the infirmary.

"You keep getting distracted." You tell me in almost a scolding manner. "What's on your mind?"

You, you irritating little-

"Tsukishima?" Your brows furrow, glancing up at me with a worried expression. "Hey, Tsukishima Kei-"

My heartbeat quickens when you uttered my first name. I feel so stupid for letting such a little crush - one that I can get over easily, mind you - distract me.

We arrive at the clinic and I sit down on the white cot, observing you as you search for the materials needed. It seems like you've given up on asking me what's wrong, which I'm thankful for otherwise you'd know about what I feel about you by now.

You move in front of me with an ice pack and a tissue. You press the tissue on the spot above my lips, wiping some of the blood off my skin. "Does your nose hurt?"

"Oh, [Name]-san," I hear the nurse's voice call, and she moves the curtain aside to get a clear view of us. "You're back again? What happened this time?"

My curiosity piques. Again? This time?

"Tsukishima was hit by a volleyball." You reply, casting the tissue aside and grabbing the ice pack. You hold the ice pack against my nose and cheek while two of my fingers are still pinching my nose.

The nurse nods before leaving, and the sound of a chair scraping against the floor follows.

"Hold this," I obey and replace your hand that held the ice pack with my free one, feeling my fingers brush against yours for a brief moment. You then move to sit beside me on the cot.

We sit for a few minutes in silence. It is a comfortable one, I think, but I so badly want to break it. I want to hear your voice, despite all the irritating things you might say.

"Tsukishima," you tear through the silence easily, and I don't mind. "I'm-" You cut yourself off, and I glance at you unnoticeably. Your eyes are widened slightly, almost invisibly, but I'm able to notice. Your mouth slowly closes and your voice lowers. "nevermind."

I wanted to ask you so badly, all the questions that crossed my head in the past ten minutes we've been in the infirmary. You looked so troubled and I wanted to know so I can help you through it. But I didn't want it to seem like I care, even if you already know that I do. I didn't want to show my worry and concern for you.

And right now, I wish I did.


Sorry can't even make up for the three month delay, but I'm going to apologize anyway. I am so sorry for not updating in so long.

I've been active, yeah, but I haven't been doing much writing lately. I hope you guys haven't forgotten about this story's existence.

I reread the chapters, and I realized it a long time ago since I purposely made Tsukishima OOC. But is it too OOC though? Too OOC that it's like he's a completely different person?

I'm so sorry.

Holy shit though, we reached 2k readers! I am so thankful and that might not be much to some of you guys but it means a lot. Please continue supporting my story (I'm not forcing you to though).

If you reached the end of this note, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, and that you'll continue to enjoy it :)

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