Chapter 4: General Shadowblade

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     Gavin and Clara ran through the woods as Gavin told Clara what or who they were running from.

     "General Shadowblade is who we're running from." he told her.

     "Why? Who is he?" she asked. There was suddenly a large blast of dark energy that hit the ground right behind them and they went flying.

     "How about I tell you myself?" said a low voice.

     General Shadowblade is King Kuffu's personal military brat. he has two two-handed swords that he weilds like normal blades because he is so strong.

     "General Shadowblade, come I have an assignment for you." said the dark king. "You are to go and find the Sunweaver and the Moonbender. You are required to knock them out anyway possible. Tie them up and bring them here to me." Kuffu told him.

     "Yes, my lord." he bowed.


     "So now you know." he said evilly. He threw a punch at both of them and they were out cold. "Find something to tie them up with." he told his men. Then suddenly the Shadow Wolf that Gavin had tamed leaped out at the general and started to bite his leg. "Aaaagggghhhh!" he cried in pain, "Get off me you mangy mutt!" He kicked him off his leg and grabbed Clara and Gavin. "Teleportes Shadow Castle!" and just like that, they were gone.

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