Chapter 9: Escape from the Dark Castle

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     Clara and Gavin walked through the dark halls of the Dark Castle, hand in hand. Gavin suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" Clara asked. Gavin held up a finger to his mouth.

     "Lots of guards," he whispered, "we'll need to sneak past, "Gonea coverta darke shadowes." Clara heard him chant that spell before, she felt a blanket of dark energy around her, it made her shiver. "Sorry, I forgot that this makes you cold." He spread his arms and Clara welcomed the warmth of his body and she felt like a part of him. "Come on, we only have about ten minutes until the spell wears off." Clara nodded.

     She followed his lead with his arms wrapped around her. She felt safe in his hold, she felt like he would protect her. "What am I doing, she thought I've only known him for three days. However the way he spoke made her feel like he could be trusted and that his words were true. He was also very strong, the way he wielded that sword, was just incredible. His strength showed while he held her. When he kissed her, nothing else mattered. When they finally got past the guards, Gavin snapped his fingers and the blanket disappeared, Clara was still in his arms.

     When Clara realized it was warmer she looked up. Gavin's eyes met hers and she kissed him. Gavin kissed her back. Clara was focused on his lips, they were warm and soft. Gavin stopped, he heard something and he closed Clara's mouth before she said a word.

     "But if they already escaped, then we can't teleport them back my King>" said a voice. Gavin's eyes widened, Clara heard his voice in her head just like Moria, "Clara we need to escape fast, King Kuffu is down here looking for us." Clara didn't know who this "King Kuffu" was but he sounded very dangerous.

     "Claren Morfia!" chanted a voice. Clara and Gavin were flying through the air and slammed into the ground. "King Kuffu!" Gavin cried. Then, out of nowhere, the Shadow Wolf Gavin tamed had barked so loud King Kuffu had to cover his ears. The Shadow Wolf put a paw on Clara and Gavin and all three of them disappeared into the shadows.

     When they got out of the shadows they woke up in a forest to the very sight of Valon and Moria. "Well," Gavin said, "I had a no idea that this one could Shadow Travel."

      "Valon," Clara said, she walked over to her brother, and instead of a nice hug she slapped him across the face and asks in an angered tone, "Why did you lie to me? God dammit you should have told me where you were actually going!" she yelled.

     "Nice to see you---too." he groaned.

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