Chapter six

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Life feels less real than death when you're dying.


I woke up to the smell of cooking bacon and burning toast. It was made clear that my father was making breakfast, or at least trying to. I wallowed around in bed for a bit before deciding I had to wake up. I stood up and opened the humongous auburn colored curtains to reveal a blue sky and a surprisingly ordinary looking space craft. I think everyone had gotten used to seeing such a frightening yet intriguing view from their windows. After staring at it for a while I decided to stop contemplating it and finally head downstairs.

I saw my father's dark brown hair move gracefully to the rhythm of 'hero' as he danced around the kitchen with excitement. He seemed quite cheery, I wasn't used to him being cheery. I wondered how long I could stand there without being noticed, instead I just coughed. He swiftly snapped out of his daze and turned around to face me. "Well good morning," he said unbothered as he took a sip of his freshly made coffee. "Good morning," I said back, deciding to pour myself a cup. Whenever I was with my father we never spoke much, most of our interactions were through gestures and movements. He and I liked to sit together quietly while we read the morning news on his gloriously comfortable couch.

"You wouldn't happen to have any beans, would you dad?," I asked as I toasted two slices of bread. He shook his head with discontent, but I figured he wouldn't have anything even remotely English in his cupboards. On the regular morning I usually ate beans and toast for breakfast, it was just what I was used to. Very English of me, but it is quite delicious.

We sat down together at the kitchen table and conversed about the strangest topics, but not once was the ungodly looking Space ship outside mentioned. Talking about it would only make things worse, he knew that just like everybody else. Dwelling on such depressing topics would really ruin the day. We didn't have a clue why they were here, but we weren't about to try and figure that out.

"I'll be heading out to town today if you don't mind, Sadie will be picking me up at around 10," I said hopeful that he wouldn't object.

"Sadie Dowers?" He asked with suspicion in his tone.


"She's a lovely girl. Get me some tomatoes from the farmers market if you're heading down town would you?"

"I'll certainly do my best," I exclaimed while taking a bite of my overly-burnt toast.

.     .     .

Ten o'clock rolled around quicker than I had expected. I heard the sound of an unfamiliar horn outside as I was putting on my mascara in the bathroom. My father yelled at me from inside his study, telling me that Sadie was here in case I didn't hear the horn myself. I told him that I was leaving and that I loved him, knowing I'd be gone for most of the day. He assured me that he'd have dinner ready
as soon as I got home, so I couldn't eat too much while I was out.

I ran outside as quickly as I could and was greeted by the familiar sound of Sadie's laughter after I had almost tripped on myself. She was probably one of the most beautiful people I had ever met. Her hair was the darkest shade of black there was, her skin had an opulent glow that highlighted her iridescent green eyes. Her and I were the epitome of awkwardness when we were younger, braces and severe acne were our oppressors and made us be completely repulsed by the male species. She grew up to be a gorgeous swan while I ended up looking semi decent.

"I'm really glad we could do this," said Sadie as she started backing out of my driveway. I smirked at her,
she knew that if we wanted to we could spend the entire break together regardless of what her parents wanted her to do.

"I'd move mountains to hang out with you Sadie, you know how much I love spending time with you and your absolutely wildness!" I exclaimed.

"Not as much as I love listing to that accent of yours, it gives me an eargasm every time I hear it." I glared at her as she said that, making her blush ever so slightly. Her humor was almost always overtly sexual in nature. It didn't matter, she could always make me laugh.

"Would you mind if we went to the farmers market after we hang with Marie and the gang?" I asked as she took a left turn to the main road.

"Why on earth would you want to go there?" Sadie asked with shock in her tone.

"My dad wants organic tomatoes," I said, holding back my laughter.

"Organic tomatoes it is then."

.      .       .

We drove through the city's busy streets and finally arrived at Chance's coffee shack. It was quite crowded when we came in, most seats had already been taken. Sadie and I were swept into a sea of people as we made our way to the counter where we saw Marie and Laura serving up orders and smiles. They greeted us cheerfully and ushered us to sit down by a table that had recently been cleared.

"Reagan! God have I missed you,'' Marie exclaimed as she served us two cups of hot chocolate.

"Um hello. Forget about me?" Sadie asked. No matter the subject she loved making it about her.

"How could we?" Laura said bluntly.

I gave Marie a hug, having already seen Laura at the party she had thrown not long ago. It seemed like just yesterday we were picking gum out of each other's hair and ogling over boys we could never have.

Mat Dalal, my former grade school crush, walked out of the bathroom and joined us at our table. He sported a leather jacket and had grown a soft stubble since I last saw him. All the girls in my class found him a bit strange, but I thought he was just shy. Seeing him after all these years confirmed my predications about him turning into an actual hunk once he matured. Once he noticed that I was staring, I looked down at my latte and smirked.

"If we're gonna catch that movie, we better start heading out," Matt exclaimed. The rest of us agreed, clearing the table we had just sat at and gathering up our stuff. We headed outside and saw the craft in the sky, barely flinching as we got in the car. We all felt a sudden jolt while Laura attempted to turn the engine on. A sort of shock of energy that ran through us and everything around us.

"It's not starting!" Laura yelled loudly.

"Goddamn spark plug's been acting up," said Sadie, while stepping out of the front-passengers seat.

All of us then decided to go help her out, leaving our cellphones in the car. Sadie, Matt and the others were checking the engine out when I looked up.

There was a helicopter rapidly falling from the sky, tearing into a sky scraper as it did so. The others looked up and we all heard a loud, ear-piercing crash. My heart stopped and panicked erupted in the streets. The crash was only a few blocks from here.

Instantaneously cars began crashing into each other, semi trucks and motorcycles collided. I could hear the screams of so many, it felt as if the world was ending. Well Maybe it was.


Im back y'all. Sorry for the weak ending but yeah. Hope y'all enjoy this chap I took me like forever to write.

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