Chapter seven

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"Get into the shop right now!" Yelled Marie as she ushered us inside. Sadie held onto my hand tightly as we attempted to navigate through the sea of terrified civilians and debris. An enormous 18-wheeler separated Laura and Matt from the rest of the group as it collided with a nearby fire hydrant. Amidst all the chaos I had dropped my phone, panicking as I did so. It felt as if the sky was falling. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even bother to pick it up, all I could think about was getting inside.

Marie, Sadie, and I ran into the shop in a panic. It appeared as if the entirety of the city had the same idea as us because the cafe was now packed. "Where are Matt and Laura?" I yelled, feeling as if no one could hear me. Sadie frantically looked around the shop in order to find the pair, but to no avail.

"I can't find them!" yelled Sadie. "They must have gone across the street to that book store for cover." She says as she joins me in front of the shop's windows. Her and I both stared in shock as hundreds of panicked civilians ran through maze-like streets. As the chaos ensued, all I could think was, does this have anything to do with that space craft up there?

After a few minutes passed, a disheveled looking homeless woman stood up on of the tables in the center of the shop and screamed, "Has anyone tried calling the authorities?!" Through jumbled conversations and constant yelling, all I could hear was the phrase, "My phone is dead." It was a terrifying sentence because it meant I had no way to contact my dad. Whatever was happening seemed to have short circuited all electronic devices, it was almost as if the entire city was hit by some sort of powerful EMP.

I was alive, so were my friends, yet I couldn't help but shake that uneasy feeling in my gut. Something told me that this wasn't the last of it, this madness had only just gotten started.

.    .    .

A few hours had passed and the entirety of the coffee shop had gone silent. It was almost as if everyone was too in shock to say anything. Perhaps we were waiting, waiting for help to come, and all we could do was sit in silence. Surely someone would. The police, the national guard. Hell, maybe even a rag tag group of civilians that would save us from this mess. But night time rolled around, and still, there was no one.

"Maybe we can get these folks something to eat and drink?" Marie suggested to some of her co workers. A few of them hesitantly agreed and went to the kitchen to gather meals and water bottles for those in the cafe. Afterwards I helped pass out apples and muffins to a few individuals sitting by the bar area. It appeared as though everyone was grateful for Marie's efforts and even thanked her for her generosity. I had always known her to be charitable and level headed and I suppose those are qualities that come in handy in situations like these.

"Do you think Matt and Laura are ok?" Sadie asked while nervously picking at her apple. I nodded.

"They've gotta be. I mean Matt's a strong guy, and Laura is... well, she'll be fine," I said. I had already devoured my muffin yet my stomach was still rumbling. "I'd say we gather a group of people to go out and look for them, but in all honesty I'm terrified to leave this cafe." I mentioned to Sadie. She nodded and looked at me with terror in her eyes. She did not have to say anything for me to know she felt the same.

"Tomorrow morning." Marie announced loudly from across the room. I guess she must have been listening in to our conversation. "Tomorrow morning a few of us will go outside and check things out." I assumed she was talking to the entire cafe. After all, we were all in this together now. After her remark, it was silent at first, then suddenly conversations erupted all across the room. I suppose people were talking and arguing about who was going outside to potentially risk their lives tomorrow. While the room grew louder, one thought kept popping up in my head, will we even make it to tomorrow?

A few more hours went by and eventually I drifted to sleep while I rested my head on Sadie's shoulder. My last thoughts were of my dad, and embarrassingly, the boy who spilled his drink on me at the party.

To be continued

Author's note:

Hey so I know it's been like a HOT minute since I've written. I apologize life has been hectic. I do hope there are still some of u out there who will read the upcoming chapters. Much love to u all and expect a new chapter soon! As to when Ben and Reagan will interact again? Dw its coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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