010: Dark Room Before the Storm

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"THERE haven't been any unusual credit card activities from the area, Master Tern. And before you say it, you know full well that I cannot track cash transactions, never have been, and never will unless you can figure out a program for miracles."

The hunter growled in aggravation, the light of the computer monitors flashing dangerously in his eyes as his hand came down on the nearest console.

"You know you're the one who has to fix these things when they break."

"Mention it again and I'll recycle you," he growled and shoved his hair away from his face. The dragon chick was still out there, lurking in the shadows, taunting him with its very existence. After a month had passed, Tern had given up the hunt for the small dragon. No one else knew about it's existence; it's energy emission were two muddled with that of its mother for anyone to distinguish it in the readings; he had only found out about it after taking down what he assumed was its mother. He had been reckless, overconfident, and the chick got away. After a month of tracking it, he had pushed the small dragon to the back of his mind, positive that the creature had fled the area. Any smart creature would have with a hunter like him nearby.

But this dragon was young, inexperienced; it didn't know danger when danger was staring it right in the face. That was the only plausible explanation to why it had stayed so close for so long. It was afraid of leaving, or it was looking for something, someone. Tern's eyes narrowed. He had forgotten all about the baby dragon – or maybe forgotten wasn't the right word for it. The baby dragon had been stored in a box and placed on the top shelf of his mind for a later date. If the dragon was outside of the immediate 250 square miles, then it wasn't his problem to deal with anymore.

But the dragon wasn't outside the immediate 250 miles, in fact it was wasn't even outside twenty square miles. It was here, it was close, and it was prospering. Someone was bound to notice. The tension in his jaw grew tighter. Too late for 'bound to'; someone had already noticed, they knew of the dragon and it was only a matter of time before rumors started spreading. Tern wanted to believe that no one would trust the word of a madman who cried 'dragon' but unfortunately, people still believed the majority of the things they read on the internet, so he knew his faith was ill placed.

The hunter balled his hand into a fist and rested it against his lips as he thought. "No dragon gets away from me in my own territory," he muttered into his hand, sinking back into his chair as his eyes flickered between the dozen or so flat screen monitors the plated the back wall. Several feet away, AIMED was quietly clicking away at the handful of keyboards and touch screens that laid before it, processing more information in a blink of an eye than any normal person could do in an entire day. The hum of monitors grew louder the harder Tern tried to concentrate, until even the gentle purr of AIMED's motors sounded like dragons screaming for mercy.

Tern's frown deepened.

The gentle glow of the computer screens was beginning to hurt his eyes. The sheer darkness of the room, in stark contrast with the monitors suddenly seemed blinding. Tern groaned and moved his fist to his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. "AIMED, turn down the brightness on these things. I can't think like this."

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