My last hope.

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~Frisks pov~

I have know of chara ever scene my first time in the underground. I have reset a total of three times every time learning more about her. After I finished my time in the underground I reside in a home with all of my friends. Flowey was brought back to being asriel and told me even more of her. I think of Chara and how I failed her. I couldn't save the person I grew to be good friends with before corrupting her after my genocide. Today is the day I have decided to finally go and reset, Sans will be mad but I'll have to do another genocide of I want to save her. As I'm thinking I hear a knock at my door. "Hey frisk, you up?" I come to the door to see Asriel "Is today the day?" He said. I nodded, I didn't feel much like talking. Guilt building up. We decide to do it at the park. "Azzy, what if she hates me for it and doesn't go with me?' I signed as we got there. " Chara is stubborn but will probably forgive you eventually." He then smiles. "It'll all be fine! I know this is going to be hard for you but I think you made the right decision. Good luck.." Asriel was nervous but I knew he would go through with it. "Good bye" I thought as I reset. It all went Black after that. Then I did what I had too. It was painful killing them but after a while Charas pain and anger took over , she was still corrupt. Then at last I reached sans. Instead of his normal speech he was mostly quite. I began to cry from sadness and pain. I then regained control. Was this a test? Why did she give me control? " kid why?! We were all happy, they were free.." Sans said. I kept quiet. "I even trusted you.." I began to tear up again. "Were you not happy?" I stood until he shot attacks left and right as I dogged. "Why!?" He finally said as he stopped attacking. I couldn't bear to speak so I cried as I slashed across his chest. Sans spat blood as he collapsed. "I'm sorry.." I thought as he turns to dust. I move on as I lose control again as we kill them all. Then I black out.

~third pov~

Frisk wakes up and looks around. Then she sees Chara.

"Hello.. Partner~"

Chara said smiling. "Why did you kill them this time?" She said with a angrier tone. Frisk stood. "To.. Save you!" Frisk noted nervous. Chara giggled as she throws a knife at Frisks head. "That's funny but I am erasing and you can't stop me! All I need is your soul!" Chara threw more knives glowing red as Frisk dogged. "Please me and asriel have a plan! We want to save you and bring you back!" Chara just looked angrier.
Lies! Lies! Lies! You don't speak his name! Azzy is gone... He's gone.." Chara said still angry. "If you come with me you can see him." Chara still tried to stab Frisk.
"Why should I believe you! You killed them after I began to trust you, your like the rest. Now that they are all gone we must end this world and finish it!"
Then frisk began to run at Chara but instead of killing her she hugged the girl. "I know I don't deserve them.. You do! You helped me and in return I hert your family and friends. Please.. Go and save them your self!" Chara was in shock. "How could I? I failed long ago now I don't have a soul!" Frisk looked at her and brought out her soul. "I have done a lot to hert them, you risked your self to save them all and you can so take it." Chara looked at the soul in awe. She didn't hate Frisk as much as she wanted to. " I cant. I'm unstable, I'll probably end them..." Chara said. " I believe in you! Frisk then smiled and grabed Charas hand making her blush. Frisk then sumend her soul again and pointed to it. " I believe if we use what is left of your soul we can split the soul so we can both exist." Frisk explained. "How?" Chara said still trying to put on a angry front. Frisk then explained the plan as they say in the dark abyss. "Well what if it doesn't work? There hasn't ever been two people with a split soul." Chara said concerned that both will die. "Worst case... I might die.." As Frisk said this a wave of guilt fell over Chara. "But I'm sure it'll work!" Frisk said. "Plus you'll still have your own soul, we aren't technicaly sharing one." Chara shrugged trying to play it cool but really she was a nervous reck. The two reset together and everything went black for them.

~Chara pov~

I felt pain... It was new for me in a while then as I am coming to my senses I hear "For someone who was dead she's kinda cute." I can feel the blood rush to my face. They weren't talking about me right? I slowly opens my eyes to see a Frisk starring at me. "Oh! Good your alive. " Frisk said smiling at me. I tried to speak but it was hard. "Th..thanks.." Frisk just smiles again and said " No problem! Your actually really cute as a alive person!" I blush "why did you do it for me?" Frisk looked at me for a minute before finally saying "well you are just as important as the rest of them! I want to save you all, and you helped me through some hard times! It's the least I could do." Frisk said as she stood offering a hand out for Chara. She took it and was surprised. It was her first contact with another human in a long time. The two began to walk to the door. Suddenly a flower sprouts from the ground. "Howdy! I'm flow-" Chara looked at the flower for a moment as a memory came to mind. "So Your all that is left of my brother?" Chara said. The flower then submerged back into the ground. Chara looked at the patch of grass. "Frisk... I don't know if I can do this. All I can see is my mistakes. I will hert them, I might hert you!" She said unsure in it all. " You arnt that Chara. You are a kind person inside and you care for them. You'll be okay." Frisk said hopefully. "If you want to kill them tell me and I'll take over and you can flee to relax." Chara nodded. The two headed to the end of the hall . Toriel had herd commotion so was header there. As she made it to the hall she looked at the two and gasped. "Could it be! Is that you my dear?" Toriel said as she began to cry. "H-hey queen mom. I know your probably are mad at me.." Chara said extremely neveous. "My child! I couldn't be mad at you. I missed you so much! How have you returned?" She said with open arms. Chara ran to her and hugged her. "It's because of Frisk. They saved me." Chara said smiling. Frisk waves and blushes. The two go inside the ruins with Toriel. Then she stops.

~charas pov~

I walk along with mother and Frisk both seem astatic while all I can do is try not to end the good mood. I still want to hert everything but the erge was smaller. Then my mother says "I have to go run some errands, if I give you two a phone will you be fine waiting here?" Frisk smiled and I nodded "we will be fine, so not worry." I said. Then she left us to her home. Frisk sat to fix her shoes so I sat next to her. "She is so cute!" I thought. Then I blushed, oh crap have I fallen for a human? I mean Frisk has proven to be better than them. She was kind and compassionate, Frisk was also cute I had to admit. She had short brown hair and crystal blue eyes. She was a bit shorter than me but wouldn't admit it. I feel like it's only fair to say something. But why would she like a demon who made her kill her friends. "Are you okay?" Frisk then said. "Oh yeah just thinking about... stuff.."

~Frisks pov~

Chara seemed really flustered, it was adorable. I thought that maybe she was upset but know I don't know. I feel like I made her uncomfortable because she was blushing. "Hey... Frisk?" She said. "Yeah?" Chara looked at me as if she was contemplating something. "Uh, I wanted to be honest with you.." She said making me worried. "Are you feeling okay?" Chara then looked at me and nodded. "I like you, you know a lot and I wanted to tell you.." Chara finally said I blushed. I tried to play things cool, I felt the same but didn't know what to say. "I like you too Chara, a lot." She then blushed a bunch and looked off to the side. It was so cute how she was that nervous. "You don't have to be worried I feel the same! Your super cute." She blushed more and said "thanks Frisk." Then she sat up and I did the same. I looked at her and pecked her in the cheek. "Aghhh Frisk I wasn't ready for that!" Then I ran ahead as she chased me. I was happy having Chara here with me it was less lonely.


hope you enjoyed! I'm planning to make this a long book that takes place in the underground and on the

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