A big mistake.

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Chara pov~

I popped up in a sweat. Same nightmare as before, except were on the surface now. The last month had been crazy. Once we left the underground Mom decided that she would raise us without dad, but now she's dating the dumb skeleton. Me, frisk, and mom had moved into a two story house with a lovely garden. Soon after Alphys had begun trying to restore Asriel. And due to only having two bedrooms are room will be packed! That is if she can do it. Dad visits alot but it annoys mom. Me and Frisk are still dating and she helps me with my temper. Mom thinks it's cute and is always awwing. I don't mind, especially when it happens near sans. Then I hear a sneeze. "Hmmm. " Frisk says quietly. Then I thought hit me like a bullet. School is starting for us in a couple of weeks. Uhgggg. I turn on my side twords frisks bed. "Bless you." I say as she rubs her eyes. "Thanks...what time is it?" Frisk whispers. I look at the clock. "5:30. We still have time." Then frisk sits up. "I can't sleep." Then Frisk sneezes again. "You okay." I then stand up and stretch. "Yeah just allergies or something. " I roll my eyes as I walk over and put my hand on her head. "No fever." Frisk laughs. "Okay nurse." Then she stands and walks closer. "You know what would make me feel better?" I shrug. Then frisk wraps her arms around me. I plant my lips on frisks and she kisses me more. Then I hear a knock on the door. "Every time!" Frisk say before sitting back down. "What.." I sat before opening the door and seeing sans. "Why are you in my house?" I say before frisk walks over. "Hello sans." She smiles. "Hey kiddos, Alphys wants to see you. " When I hear these words my heart stops. "Why.." Frisk says. "I don't know, science?" I roll my eyes and walk past him. I walk down the stairs and grab the home phone. I hesitate before I call. "Hey sans?" I holler. "Yeah." I walk up the stairs again. "Why didn't she call?" He shrugged. "Probably so your mom dosent find out." I nodded as frisk walks down with me. She calls Alphys. "Mhm, yeah we can meet you. Why?" Then she sets down the phone. " We should head over there now." Frisk says quietly before grabbing a jacket. "Why?!" I say sick of all the secrets. "Well uh.. Science?" I roll my eyes and grab my jacket. I look out the window as the sun rises. "I'll tell your mo-" I cut him off. "She will lie suspicious, you go home and I'll write a note." Then sans dissapears. Frisk grabs a piece of paper and a pen. "Out at the store, will be back soon." I shake my head. "The store probably isn't open. Say something like off to visit Alphys and Undyn, be back in a bit." Frisk nodes and writes it down. Then we put on shoes as leave. I walk fast before frisk says. "Hey, just be prepared. Okay?" I stop. Frisk walks to my side. I just shrug, it's probably something about Asriel. She then grabs my hand and we walk in unicine.
~a short walk later~
We reached the house and I felt ill. I stop as I feel my stomach twist. "Hey! You'll be okay, don't worry." I nodded and try to smile. We walk inside and I see large tables and posters for anime. Undyn walks in. "Oh hey punks." Undyn was quiter than usual. Then she took us to a dark room. Frisk looked more and more nervous. Alphys walks in and looks at me odd. "What's going on?" I say sick of this shit. "Well uh-you... You'll see- ju..just be prepared!" I roll my eyes as Alphys flicks the light switch. And I fall to my knees as frisk began to shake. There on the lab bed laid Asriel. I stand up and run over to him. "Is he... alive?" Alphys nods. "When will you tell the Queen that the prince lives?" I shiver. He was here, he was breathing. "Can I wake him?" I say as I began to cry.  "Y-yes!" Alphys says excitedly. I touch his arm as I look at him. "Azzy... Wake up." He began to open his eyes. "Chara...?" I smile as frisk walks over. "Yeah, it's me Az. We're here.." I began to choke up more. He yawns. "When is mom making breakfast?" I begin to fall apart and he opens his eyes fully. "Chara, what's wrong?" I couldn't believe my eyes. Asriel sits up and hugs me and I hug him back. It's true! He lives again. "I'm so sorry Asriel..." Then I could feel his tears. "No I'm sorry... We, I..." I pull away. "You didn't do anything. " He smiles between tears. "You always we're forgiving." Then I stand up. "Thank you frisk." Asriel says to her surprise. "For what?" Frisk says confused. "For saving us." She smiles. "No problem." Then Alphys walks over. "He can come home now." Then she walks closer to him. "Asriel, I'm so-so sorry!" Azzy just shrugs. "No problem docter. Thanks for bringing me back!" I felt dizzy. I forgot how cheerful he was. I can drive you home." Undyn says. Asriel looks at me and frisk. "Wait. I have to go in a car?!" Frisk giggles. "It's n..not that b-bad." I nod. Then Asriel tries to stand but is wobby. We help him to undyns car and I sit beside him. Frisk then gets in. "Is mom mad?" Azzy says. I couldn't help but laugh. "No, of course not." He then looks out the window. "They don't love each other anymore?" I didn't know what to say. "No, but don't blame yourself." He nods. Frisk gets closer and whispers. "Should we tell him about sans?" I shoke my head. "One at a time. " soon we arive and I help Asriel out of the car. He had a bright smile. "This is are home?" I nod. "It's so lovely." Then we reach the door. Undyn opens it and mom sat at the dining table drinking tea. "Let me talk to her first, it's not the first time I introduced toriel to her dead child." Frisk says as she enters first. I walk Asriel into the living room. "So Toriel, how is your day?" Mom smiles. "Good, where is Chara?" Frisk sits across from her. "Well she is with someone, but before she comes in I want you to just have a open mind and stay calm." Toriel laughs a bit. "Okay." Then I walked in with Asriel. "Oh... Frisk, I think I am hallucinating." Toriel says. Asriel began to get teary. "Mommy?" Toriel then began to shake. She stood up and Asriel ran over and hugged her. Undyin and Alphys walked in. "Asriel? Is it really you?" Mom says quietly. "Mhm!" She looks down at him as she cries more. " oh my dear... I thought we lost you for good." Azzy then let's go. "Mom, can... can I stay here with you guys?" Toriel laughs. "Of course!"
~time skip and third person~
It was late and emotions had been heavy. Chara and frisk slept in the same bed and Asriel got Charas bed, toriel planned on getting him a bed tomorrow. Then suddenly Asriel yelled cousing Chara to fall out of bed. Then frisk shot up. "S-sorry guys." Asriel said before begining to ball his eyes out. "Frisk stretched and stood. She then offered a hand to Chara. "It's fine, you okay?" Then Chara walked over to the crying boy. "Y-yeah." Chara took his hand. "Don't lie to me." Asriel then struggled to speak because he was crying so hard. "All I could see.. Al- all I w..was doing was killing them. One by one.Mom, dad, Frisk, even y-you. I'm so sorry!" Chara felt ill. Both Chara and frisk could relate to this. "Asriel you didn't do it." Chara said as she sat next to him. Frisk sat across from asriel. "Yeah I did, so many times." He whispered. "Asriel it wasn't you. It was the flower. " frisk said before taking his hands. "What are these?" Asriel calmed down some. "My paws." Frisk nodded. "What are they not?" Frisk says as she looks at him. "Leaves." Asriel whispered. "It might seem so real but it wasn't Asriel, it was Flowey. You weren't hurting them." He nodds. "Th-thanks." Then frisk looks at Chara who was looking off as she leaned on Asriel. "The same gos for you." Chara then began to look out the window. "Sure." She said blankly. "Frisk is right Chara!" Chara smiled. "Azzy, I appreciate the effort but it is different. You were a soulless flower I was a power high gost." Frisk rolled her eyes. "You know it wasn't you. You were corrupt just as much as Asriel." Chara gulped, memories fled her mind. "Why do I remember it clearer, I feel as if I was there. " Asriel turns to her. "That's what it is like for me too." Chara then stands. "Well although I love a good therapy session it's already 6:39 so maybe we should get ready for the day seeing as we have to go to the store for your clothes and stuff. " Chara then walks to the closet. "I'm not going." Frisk says as she lays back down. "Why?" Chara asks. It wasn't like frisk to not want to go out. "I have a huge headache. Id only slow you down. " Chara shrugs. "Feel better." Then she kisses her in the forehead and leaves to go get changed. Then Asriel sits up and walks over to Frisk. "Hey frisk?" He says quietly. "Mhm." Asriel sits. "Thanks for earlier...." Frisk sits up. "What's wrong?" Asriel looks nervous. "Well... I'm worried that deep down Chara blames me for us dieing." Frisk laughs a little. "Asriel believe me when I say Chara is in no way mad at you. In fact she blamed herself so much she tried to give you her soul so you could live again." Asriel smiles and nods as he leaves.
~time skip and frisks pov~
Every one left to the store so I decided to take a shower. As I got out I realized my headache got worse. I walked into my room and put on blue jean shorts and a baggy purple shirt. I laid down on my bed and put on music. I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep.
*tic* *tic* *tic*
I opened my eyes and looked at my window. Someone was throwing pebbles at my window. I walked over and looked out. What I saw made me want to die. It was my brother, Andrew. I opened the window. "What do you want? Why are you here?" He then gestured that I come down. Before I did I looked to make sure my mother wasn't around. Then I walked out side. "What?" Andrew had changed some. "Francesca I'm he-" I stopped him. "That's not my name." Andrew rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Now listen here. Mom is here and she is looking for you. She got mad pissed when watching the news. Then we had to move down here." I scuffed. "Andrew your as dangerous as her, but now im not scared of you." He laughs. "Hey I've changed. I won't hurt you, we're both sorry. Me and Jackson. " I shrug. "What about Kelly, how is she?" Andrew gulped. "Uh... Dead." I felt shocked, I even felt a little sad. Even though she was the one who hurt us the most."Andrew please leave. Leave this town, state, country. " He began to look around. "Why? I just want to make sure my sis is okay." I laugh. "Oh? Why do you still live with her? Your 16 Jackson's 17. Go live with Nina in Canada." He shrugs. "Your scared?" He nodds. "Didn't you slap her?" He began to get angrier, he had quite the temper. "Why do you refer to our mother as her?" I began to walk away. "She isn't my mother. " Andrew ran after me and grabbed my arm making me yelp. Something about him grabbing me brought me back to it all. "Let go of me." He pulled me closer. "Francesca! Listen to me, you know mother. You will die. It won't be the first time she has gotten away with it. " I pull my arm to my side. "Since when did you give two shits?! All you did was hurt me and steal and blame me! All I wanted was leave." I didn't release how loud I was or how much I had begun crying. "Hey I told you I'm sorry! I was young and going through the same shit!" Then I saw Chara. "She was younger asshole. Leave my house." Andrew laughed but let go. I ran tword chara. "I'm sorry." I said as tears fled down my face. "What for?" Then she looked at him. "Andrew was it?" He nodded. "Greetings, I am Chara. I couldn't help but notice you were on the property. Kindly get your ass of my lawn." Asriel walked over. "Oh great now a freak has come to scare me away." Asriel looked shocked. I grabbed Charas soldier before she began to run to him. "What did you call my brother?" Andrew laughed again. "He isn't your brother!" I rolled my eyes. "He is more of a brother to her than you have been to anyone! Now leave!" I yelled as I heared toriel. "Whats going on?" Chara smiled. "This kid came here to mess with frisk." Toriel looked at him. "Really." I nodded. Andrew began to get nervous as he stepped back. "Sto-stop." Toriel then walked closer. Then sans walked over. "Who's the kid?" Chara then looked at sans as if to say leave. "Some kid is here to mess with frisk I think." Asriel says quietly. Before we knew it Andrew ran. I feel to my knees. Seeing him, him grabbing me. It put me back in that place. I began to cry. Toriel walked over and I stood up and hugged her. "Thank you." I said. She hugs me back. Chara looked pissed. "Let's set up your room. " toriel says as she wips my tears. I nod. We all walk inside. We decide me and Chara will share a bed for now a while to save money and asriel get his own bed. . We moved are desk over some and then we had the small TV Alphys bought us in the middle of the wall on top of are table. We moved the mirror to the wall near the closet. "Uhg, is this alright or do we have to move again? " toriel said jokingly. Asriel smiled. "No, it's just great!" Chara nodded. "I'm glad this house had two master bedrooms." I say. It was already 11 and soon everyone was asleep but me. It felt like hours until I fell asleep.

"Francesca! Your lazy ass better be down here soon!" I hear kelly yell. I walk to the kitchen to see mother holding Jackson by his collar. "You useless piece of shit!" She then threw him on the ground. "How dare you put hand on a boy like that! You sicken me... My son, a faggot?!" Jackson backed up. "N-no Kelly's lyn' I would never kiss a dude!" Mother scoffed as she looked at me. "What? Your just going to east time? Clean!" The she walks to her room. I run over to Jackson. "You okay?" He nodds, his face bloody. Jackson was my favorite, he barely laid a hand in me and sometimes would help clean. "Kelly that bitch..." I helped him up. "She said you were gay?" He nodded. I began to sweep the floor and clean the counter. Soon I realised what time it was. I rushed to make lunch. I decided just to make grilled cheese. It was Jacksons favorite and he is having a shit day. Then as I finish I sneak one up my shirt and run to the bathroom. Because I didn't finish the kitchen in time before I didn't get lunch or breakfast. I ate it and cleaned up. I ran out and gave everyone food. Then kelly walks in. She comes up to me and grabs my hair. "You didn't?" I was unsure what she ment. She slapped me and knock me over. "What did she do?" Andrew said. "She spat in my food." I shook my head. "N-no I wouldn't!" Kelly rolled her eyes. "Andrew take care of this bitch. Andrew grabbed my arm. He took me to mother. " this brat thought it was funny to spit in Kelly's food." Then he left the room leaving me.

I shot up in a sweat. "No..." I say as I made sure it was a dream. I looked around, what am I going to do?

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