More chances

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~third pov~
Chara laid still in pain as frisk laid beside her. Chara smiled. "I hope he will leave us alone now. " frisk nodds as she gets closer to Chara and wraps her arms around Chara cousing them to blush. She got used to it fast and soon they were asleep.
~sans pov~
"Uhggg!" I said as I fell to the floor of my house. "SANS? WHAT'S THE MATTER? YOU'VE BEEN GONE ALL NIGHT?" I shrugged. "Nothing bro, just... Actually can we talk?" Paps looked confused before picking me up and dropping me lightly on the couch. He then sat beside me. "TALK AWAY BROTHER!" Pap said excitedly. I didn't want him by the demon, I don't even know if I can trust frisk. "Well I know you need to capture the humans but-" papyrus then shot up. "IM PLANNING ON DOING IT TOMMOROW!!" I smile more, him and his determination. "I don't think you can trust them though paps. Please let undyn do it." He looked disappointed in me, oh god. "WHY CAN'T WE TRUST THEM? FRISK IS VERY KIND! AND THE SECOND CHILD IS ODD BUT EQUALLY KIND!" Uhg paps already knew frisk my their name? "Well they are... You shouldn't talk to them. Don't believe what they tell you." I didn't expect him to stop, he never did. "SANS.. Do you not believe in my skills brother?" I shake my head. "No its of them isnt a very good person. " papyrus nods. I know he won't listen but they won't kill him! I won't let that demon do it. "Just think it over I'm going to grillbys." Then I leave before he stops me. I need to watch them! I need to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone.

~charas pov~

I woke up still with frisk. Nightmares just like before, ugh dumb brain. Then suddenly I see sans. What the hell, I didn't move he knew I saw him but if I say something I won't get to figure out what his deal is. I smile ear to ear. The only way to make him leave might be to scare him. He didn't. then he walked tword the two before dissapearing. I decided to go back to sleep.

~third pov~

Frisk woke up and sat up. She then poped out of bed before telling Chara to do the same. They headed outside the inn and headed foreword. Frisk then stopped when she saw a pile of snow. Frisk ran tword it and began to play in it so Chara did the same. "Frisk I swear your five." Frisk just nodded as she made a snow doggo. Then sans appeared cousing Chara to jump up and stand in front of frisk. "Hey cool it! I just want to talk." Frisk stands beside Chara. "So talk." Frisk said. Sans then sat down in the snow casually. "Well kiddo I wanted to say sorry." Frisk didn't seem less mad. "Sorry?! Sans you didn't give her a chance! You just did it, did you think about anyone else? Oh my fricken god she was going to die if flowey didn't help-" sans stopped her. "Kid, I'm really sorry I wasn't in my right mind." Frisk rolled her eyes while Chara stood there speechless. "Not in your right mind? Give me a break! You did something reckless just because you were scared! You didn't even try. You just did what your best at! Making people feel guilty then throw bones at them-" Chara stopped frisk. "Hey, I'm okay. Were here and fine. Let's at least see what he wants." Frisk nods. Sans was surprised by what Chara said but began to say "I didn't trust the situation. I just needed to know we all could be safe. After the last reset I didn't know what to do." Sans said. "Whatever, you still don't trust me so what's the point." Chara said now a bit annoyed her self. "Well maybe I can learn to." Frisk huffs. "Sans you had so many chances..." Frisk said trying to look him in the eye. " I know I want just one last chance!" He said. Chara shrugged. "Well than prove it." Sans then pointed to grillbys and said. "We can start there." The two than go to grillbys. As they enter Chara and frisk sit at the bar as a sans sat by them. Frisk smiles at grillby and waved. Frisk found him to be a great friend. Then a dog approached Chara. Frisk didn't reconize him. "Prince?" She freezes. Frisk learned from Tories that Chara rather be a prince like asriel than a princess. "You know her?" Sans said. The dog then nodded before Chara turned to look at him. "Your... Alive?" Chara smiles and says. "Uh yeah I think, are you going to tell dad?" Frisk and sans looked at each other. "Well if you must tell his majesty in person. " Chara shrugged. "So far I see a lot of new guards are here so hopefully they don't reconise me" Then the old dog took her hand. "Is he?" Chara looked at him with her pearcing eyes. "No, only me." He then said "well I'm sorry.. A lot has changed! People will be glad to know are angel is here!" Chara rolls her eyes. "Now now, you know it's not true." He looks around. Then he steps to frisk. "And you? Are you the reason she is back." Frisk looks at Chara. "I would say it was a joint effort!" Then the dog offers a hand to shake. "Well that's wonderful! I'm Chester. Nice to meet you!" He gives frisk a warm smile than glares at sans. "You better not let do anything to them. " then he leaves. "Heh, what a coincidence." Chara said before ordering a thing of fries. "Well kiddos that is why we're here. " frisk looks to the side. All she can think is "I was so harsh! But he tried to kill Chara." These thoughts fought with each other for a while. "So uh kids, uh frisk... You and chara are-" frisk cut him off. "Yeah were dating, why?" Sans stiffened up a bit cousing Chara to laugh. "Have a problem comedian?" Sans rolled his nonexistent eyes. "I have a name." He said. "So do I but so far all you call me is a kid or demon." Frisk ate a fry. "Well I didn't know better." Chara smiled. "Wow I thought you were a grown man?" Frisk looked at him and stares waiting for a answer. "Yeah I just... Didn't know who you were, I thought you were something worse." Sans then got a burger. "Well I don't know you either. All I know is you like my mom." Sans looks shocked. "Uh were friends yeah." Frisk smiled, she shipped it. " Well you don't know much about her, you didn't even know she was a queen. " sans shrugged. "We mostly just joke." Chara then felt something she hasn't for a while. She missed her father. "You understand that her ex is the second most powerful monster in the underground." Sans nods. "Wait second?" Chara froze, Asriel was the most powerful. All that is left is flowey and sans doesn't remember he is asriel. "Uhg well I mean mom is pretty powerful." She said rushed. Frisk looked at her and signed " nice save." Chara smiled. " Well this was an experience, I have one last thing to ask. You obviously know that flow-" Chara interrupted. "Flowey. His name is flowey" sans continued " whatever. My question is how does he know you? Why does he care?" Frisk was extremely nervous. Chara was too. "Uh we met him in the begging." Frisk said. "Why does he care about you now though?" Chara and frisked looked at each other. "First we get a question." Chara spat as she tried to stall. Sans agrees. "Are you planning to kill Chara again?" Frisk said to Charas surprise. "No. Now my turn. " Chara Sat trying to think of a good lie. "Uhh you see, I... We, alphys. Ummm mm." Frisk began. "He is the reincarnation of my brother without feeling or a real soul. " Chara said quite but fast. Sans lost his bright pupils. He looked to frisk to see if it was true and she nodded. "Uh, well that is..." Chara then sat up. "And if you touch him... Well hehe, let's just say life will become hell." Frisk then tugged on her sweater. "Sorry." Chara said before sitting back down. "You know he doesn't... Feel? I mean for some reason he likes you." Frisk looks at him. " sans stop. You dont know what your talking about, can we all just keep the peace?" Sans nodded. "Hey kiddo hows about we take a walk before grillbz comes back." The three then sat up and went for a walk but something happened. Something terrible. As they walked a frisk was hit by a rod. "FRISK!" Chara said as she fell to her knees. Sans looked left and right for the attacker. Chara then when into action and ran tword the soul causing sans to think she was trying to steal it and reset so he grabbed it. Bad mistake. Chara then herd an agonising scream in her head. "Sans! Stop you don't know what your doing!" Sans wasn't thinking, he didn't notice the red blood like substance coming from the soul. The screams continued. "Sans let go-" she was stopped. "What? Your going to kill me?" Chara ran tword him and pushed sans. " Your killing her!" Then the soul began to glow as frisk reaperers next to the nearest save. Chara and sans ran tword it. Chara then took her into embrace. Frisk was teary. "How bad did he hurt you?!" Frisk began to leak tears. " He... He didn't know." She spat. Sans then looked at his hands and stepped back. "I'm so sorry I let it happen!" Chara said as she picked frisk up. "It's no ones fault! We just need to be more carful!" Chara began to carry a still upset frisk past sans. "Kid... I " Chara kept walking. "Wait." Chara stops and sets her down. "It's been a long day. I have to go see your brother. My point being that it is easier to just forget it. Forget it all." Sans just stairs at his hands. "Oh god..." He says quietly. Frisk began to walk to him. "I'm fine." Sans checked her health. "You only have half health!" Sans steps further back from them. "I'm okay! Don't worry please." Chara stands beside frisk, she could feel her blood boil. "No, Frisk... This! I... I hurt you both. I broke her promise."  Every bone in Charas body told her to make him pay. "Sans..." Chara began. Sans expected the worse. "My mother finds you amusing, I won't tell her what you did to me. As for Frisk, it up to them if she does or not. " sans looked at her confused. Frisk smiles and nods. "Th-thanks I guess." Then the two walked past him. "If it was up to me you would be dead, no more mistakes!" Chara whispered into sans' ear.

Long chapterrr

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