Masked man

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Pinned down by my hands, I look up at him as he licks his lips. His bright blue eyes piercing down at me intimidatingly. I gasp for breath but receive his soft pink lips instead as his kiss overpowers me. My eyes close letting his dominance take over me. His kiss is overwhelming, Passionate and intense. His taste is intoxicating. His kisses trail down my neck and I feel his tongue tickling me as he kisses down then trails his tongue from my neck to my earlobe. It's a feeling I want to wrap myself in completely, letting it take over me as I submit to him. To Dick. Dick? Dick?


My arms stretch for his warmth but he's not there. He's gone. I lay on my back and look up to the ceiling of my bedroom. I guess that was all too good to be true. Just a dream. Although the two of us cuddling together in this bed barely even clothed was very VERY real. I could still smell his sweet scent. Also I can smell the scent of bacon. Wait is he still here? I get up and make my way to the kitchen. My legs feel weak and I could totally tell I have gross morning breath. When I get into the kitchen he's not there. In his place is a breakfast fit for a queen. On the counter is a plate with bacon, eggs, waffles topped with strawberrys and slices of banana. Beside the plate is a sticky note that reads. "Good morning! Thank you for everything (Y/N) Wish I could stay but I have work. Hopefully this is just as yummy as you haha" Damn. Charming and flirty even in a note. He usually just makes himself a bowl of cereal for himself but for me he made a full beautiful breakfast. I blush a bit at the thought of him cooking all this just for me. I guess I must be special to him after all. I find my phone and read the message my friend Cindy left. "You're totally going to the club with me tonight right?" She asked. Ugh I keep putting it off but I suppose the club wouldn't be all that bad considering I have the weekend off. "As long as you don't get too drunk😂" I message back. She responds after a couple minutes "No promises😜" she says.


Music pounds in the background as the lights wave around. There is a wave of partygoers dancing on the crowed dance floor. I look around while nursing my soda while sitting at the bar. I'm wearing a red velvet blouse and dark leggings. My (H/C) Hair is all curled and perfect not to mention my makeup is on point. I would rather have a real drink but someone would have to drive Cindy home. Apparently there is some big baller at the club who's paying for all the drinks. He's in the V.I.P lounge looking down at the party with a smile although I'm not sure how the guy can see through that red bandana. His name is tiger shark. At least that's what he calls himself. Either that or his mother is quite the cruel lady. He's up there with some security and the girls he's requested to join him. Of course Cindy is with him. Cindy has brown hair, green eyes and is slim. She has a supermodel kind of body and stunning cheekbones that even I envy sometimes. I look up at the balcony where she is and she looks back at me, giving a worried expression. She's drunk but not drunk enough to realize this guy is bad news. Some gangster of course. He requested the both of us but I knew I didn't want to be hit on by some "shot caller." Cindy wasn't so repulsed by the idea. Not as she is now. I can barely watch as tigershark holds her by the waist and whispers something in her ear. My skin crawls as I look. I can't stand it anymore. I walk up to the V.I.P lounge and a security guard lets me in. Tigersharks attention turns towards me. "Change of heart?" He says with a slimy smile. He's holding Cindy by her waist. She can barely stand. I ignore him and grab Cindys hand. "We gotta go." I say to her and she follows until we're stopped by a security guard. "Leaving so soon?" Tigershark says. "Your friend and I are just having fun. Don't ruin it just because your jealous" he says while he laughs. I'm supporting Cindy in my arms but she's heavier than she looks. "Just let us leave." I say bluntly. I'm trying to be as tough as possible but it's getting harder and harder. The man in the red bandana and fur suit looks to be getting very agitated. His security guards are all surrounding him. Along with a couple other girls who don't look like they're having a great time either. "The party is just starting." Tigershark says. "In that case, may I have this dance?" Says a voice from behind me. Who is that? I look behind myself and I almost jump by the sight of him. He wears a jet black suit with a blue bird symbol on his chest. He's handsome. He wears a black domino mask over his eyes. The blue stripes on his suit end on his fingers. There are weapons behind his back showing off on each shoulder. I have no idea what kind of weapons they are. He's fit. Really fit He almost looks like Dick if I squint although he looks less boyish and charming and much more dangerous. His muscular body is fixed in a fighting stance. Ive seen this guy on the news before. They call him Nightwing. The bodyguard behind him is laying unconscious. Nightwing gives me a smile before he begins battling the other guards. "Thank you Nightwing" the other girls shout as they escape the lounge and run out of the club. I try to run and follow them but Cindy weighs me down to the ground and passes out on me. She knocks me off my feet and pins me down with her weight passed out drunk. I have no choice but to watch Nightwing almost inhumanly make quick work of the goons and most importantly tigershark. Before I know it the only people who aren't passed out are me and him. He makes his way over to me and takes a knee. "Hey are you hurt?" He asks. "No but my friend might just crush a rib or two." I reply before I realize I can barely breathe with her on my chest. Nightwing lifts her off of me and carries her in his arms like a bride. "Do you two have a ride? If your sober i can carry her to your car." I take a deep breath and rise to my feet. "Yeah just follow me." I say and lead him out the club and to my car. I feel my hands shaking, I just can't believe what happened. As Cindy softly wakes she mumbles "Robin?" This gains a bright charming smile from him. A smile I've seen. A smile that I swear I know but just can't place. He softy places her in the passenger seat before paying attention to me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. Wow he's actually a gentleman. "Yeah I'm okay. How did you know we needed help?" I ask. "I didn't. I've been tracking down tiger shark for a couple weeks now. He's running a human trafficking ring. I'm lucky I came when I did" he says. I ask myself for a moment why he said that he was lucky and not we were lucky. He opens my car door for me and I step in. "Drive safe okay? Goodnight (Y/N)" He says before he closes the door and disappears in the darkness. How the hell does he know my name?

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