chapter 8

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Soory this will be another short chapter !!! But I will writer some more!


''Ok!! I dont knwo how this could get any worse!!! Journey si ruling the school!!! And this is just head moving she is only in the 9th grade!!!!Might as well let her kick as all the way to Antartica ! Man how are we ever gonna get her!!!'' I said feeling mad about not stoping her before anything happened.

''Umm well there isn't much to do but rule her down the same way she pushed you away ........with a new repututation dont you think?'' Sam said looking as he needed some approvel "Sam!! that is actually a good idea we could get her by pushing our selfs up to the top of the food chain and then we could do something totally outwards to her! Waitt......I just will we ever pull something like that off??I mean we are probebly at the bottom of the will we ever get to the top?" I asked him feeling nervous about letting him answer.

You see Sam was actually a good problem solver and if he figured this one out he could totally do what he wants to. I was staring at Sam and was starting to laugh, his face was all wrinkled up together. He was using his thinking face. Ohhhhh that face cracks me up!!!

"HAHAHAHAH ohhhh you need a new thinking face!! That one is so not working.!" I croaked out behind my laughter. "You lose focus so easily you silly Susy ...and thats mean !!! "Sam said behind a small smirk.

"Sam!!!!!! I got it ! we could just try to go right on top of each different popular !You know... of all the different cliques rise above those and then we will get her!! I mean we could set up our hopes for that cant we?" I said waiting for a response from Sam.

I stared at Sam some more until he answered. "OK Susy that might actually work !!! You and I are smart enough we can do this ! Now lets start planning."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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