It All Happened At Midnight

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*Keep in mind they are NOT Demi Gods they are just normal tennagers...other than that...ENJOY*


Nico Lay on the cold concrete in the middle of a dark alley.He Slowly sat up feeling extremely dizzy.

He slowly brought his shaking hand to his bleeding,throbbing lip and wiped the blood off but soon more started filling his mouth and drip down.

He looked around feeling lost as well, He had no idea where he was or what time it was.

He leaned back against a building and groaned in pain. His body ached so much he could barley stand up.

He noticed a tallish boy walking around the alley and he quickly hid is head in his hands thinking it was one of the people who had beat him up.

But...This boy looked diffrent...He had curly dark hair, and had ears that made him look like an elf...But in a good way.

The boy walked closer and closer and the closer he walked the more scared Nico felt.

When the boy finally got close enough he knelt down and carefully helped Nico up.

"W-What are you doing?"

Nico asked. He didnt even try to sound tough or try to act like he wasn't scared.

"Im Sorry...My name's Leo...And I couldn't help but notice you and...It looks like you needed a little help"

Nico removed his hands from his face and looked at Leo closley. He stared at his chocolate brown dark eyes that made him want to fall in love with them.

He slowly nodded but wrapped his arms around Leo's Neck and rested his head on his chest and sobbed silentley.

"W-what time is it?"

He wispered and held onto Leo tighter.

"Its about Midnight"

Leo Said and carefully carried Nico holding him tight in his arms.

"I know we just met...But I can bring you to my house and help you out...."

Nico knew better than to just go into random people's houses but...This was diffrent...He didn't feel like Leo was a stranger...He felt like he knew him...So He nodded his head slowly and closed his eyes and tried to enjoy how Leo held him in his arms.

Leo walked back and kept on walking for what felt like hours but he finally made it to his house. When he walked in, It was nothing but dark and silent.

He slowly tip toed to his room and carefully set Nico down on his bed.

"T-Thanks...I don't think you got my name...Im Nico Di Angelo"

Leo gave him a heart melting smile that made Nico blush a deep red color.

He grabbed a towl and carefully dabbed and cleaned the blood off Nico's lips and face.

He ran the towl that was poured in warm water slowly over his lips. Both boys stared into eachother's eyes and Leo slowly set the towl down.

Nico felt like he couldn't control himself anymore. He cupped Leo's face in his hands and pulled him into a sweet loving kiss.

Leo slowly kissed back and ran his fingers through Nico's soft, dark hair. He couldn't help but notice How his lips tasted like  cinnamon and how cold but soft they were...And his dark hair was so soft it felt like a billion fluffy pillows.

Soon they both pulled away breathless and shocked at what had happened...Nico was shocked because he thought he creeped Leo out now...And Leo was shocked because Nico had kissed him!! That meant Nico liked him at least a little too!!

Nico blushes deeply and quickly stood up and winced.

"I should get going"

He said quickly but Leo wrapped both arms around Nico's waist and held him close.

"No...You're staying with me tonight"

Leo wispered and kissed Nico's lips again. Nico Just stood there shocked but slowly nodded.

"Im gonna get you some new clothes"

Leo said and walked over to his closet. He grabbed his pjs and sweat pants and a t shirt for Nico.

Nico took them and looked around.

"Where can I change?"

he asked and slowly opened the door.

"You can change in here, Ill walk out"

Leo said and quickly stepped out the room.

Nico quickly changed and then called Leo back in. To Leo, Nico looked like the most adorable thing in the world, His clothes were over sized on Nico and that just made him want to lay down and cuddle with him but wait....They wern't a couple just yet.

"And Where can I sleep?"

Nico asked and yawned. Leo Grabbed his hand leading him to the bed.

"You are sleeping here, Ill sleep down stairs in the couch"

Nico quickly shook his head and pulled Leo Close.

"Sleep with me......I know that sound wierd and wrong but sleep here..."

Leo laughed softly and walked over to the bed and lied down and so did Nico.

"Leo...W-We kissed...T-Twice"

Nico wispered and stared into leo's eyes. Leo Just smiled and caressed Nico's cheek.

"Nico...Please be mine...Ill take care of you...Ill make sure that what ever happened tonight wont happen again...Just please be mine"

Nico blushed and snuggled closer to Leo and said...

"From now on...Feel free to call me yours"


Daaaaw First Chapter hope you guys enjoyed it pwease leave a comment letting me know your opinions♥


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