Long Conversations

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*Next Morning*

Nico had woken up with a headache but was snuggled up in someones chest. He scooted away a little. As happyish as he felt about being with leo he hated hugs. He just couldn't handle them.

Leo's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly at the other, But Nico's facial expression stayed blank, turning Leo's into a frown.


Leo wispered and slowly sat up making Nico a little upset.Nico didn't know how to feel anymore. He was happy to be with Leo but he dosn't want to be snuggled up to him, He dosn't want to be hugged and he dosn't like to smile.…And Leo was the complete opposite.

"Hey we just met last night maybe we should get to know eachother after all its pretty dark out it looks like there's going to be a thunderstorm And there's nothing much to do."

Leo said and started playing with his fingers. Nico slowly nodded.

"Who starts?"

He asked quietly.

"You can…Tell me a little about your family"

At the word "family" made Nico's eyes water but Leo didn't notice.

"Want me to start?"

Leo asked and Nico nodded.

"Mkay well…I live with my father his name is Hephaestus named after one of the greek gods I think…And My mom…S-She passed when I was Eight…A-And Im an Only child"

Nico felt a little more comfortable for some reason…They have something in common.

"I-Im sorry about your mom…"

Nico wispered.

"Its alright…do you want to tell me about yourself now?"

Nico felt a little more comfortable now.

"I have a sister…Her Name is Bianca…A-And my mom's Name is Maria…And My dad His name is Hades…Also named after a greek god I think but I had a brother…He was a little older than me…Gosh He was my only source of happieness he always cheered me up and made things better but…He passed as well…"

Leo frowned and did something Nico didn't enjoy. He pulled Nico in a tight hug and Nico quickly pulled away making Leo wonder if he had forgotten about what had happened last night.

"You don't like hugs?"

Leo asked but quickly regreted it.

Nico simply shook his head. Leo began to have second thoughts on this. Nico seemed to talk more last night than today. He didn't smile at all and today when he tries to hug him He pulls back…But There was one thing that made him want to stay with nico…How They had at least 1 thing in common.…Their sources of happieness were taken away…

When Nico least expected it, Leo carried him onto his lap and smiled softly at Nico trying to get him to smile back but no such luck. All Leo wanted was to see Nico happy. That's all he wanted.

Nico didn't move away. He stayed there looking down. Leo slowly lifted his chin with his index finger and looked deeply into his dark eyes. Nico held his gaze and he slowly pulled Leo into a deep kiss, Leo wrapped his arms around Nico's waist and kissed back

They stayed like this for a couple minutes until someone walked in…

"Leo Valdez What Are You Doing?!"

A harsh male voice yelled.

Leo quickly pulled away and took Nico off his lap and stood up.

"D-Dad I can explain!"

"ohh Yes You Have A LOT  to explain.Do you think Its easy for me to look after you by myself?! And then I catch you making out with a guy?!"

"Dad Its only One person to look after You arn't exactley taking care of 7. And who said I need someone to look after me?! I was happy with my mother untill she had to g-go…And that's when I started taking care of myself a little better I was only 8 trust me I learned whats wrong and whats right"

His fathers eyes lit up and he looked like he was about to flip the desk in leo's room over.

"Wrong and right?! First of all Dont Bring Your Mother Into this! and Second This is Not right!!! Since when do you see people of the same gender making out?"

"Lots Of Times Have you ever heard of being different?!"

Nico felt extremeley awkward having to listen to this conversation between leo and his father.

Nico was a lot shorter making it hard to see him hiding behind leo.He slowly nuzzled Leo's back to try to comfort him.

Leo grabbed Nico's hand feeling thankful for what Nico was doing…He felt as if He was his new source of happieness.

"Im sorry dad…But if you don't accept me…Im leaving…"

Leo said and quickly walked out with Nico next to him but something Leo didn't notice was Nico wisper

"Sorry sir…"

to his father.


Chapter Twwwoooo :D mkay pwease leave a comment and let me know your opinions♥And I hope you guys liked how I changed a couple things and Kept Maria and Bianca

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