{17} Accidental Campers

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"This is Bosco the Fat Hobo."

I slide off of Blake's lap and onto the the seat next the other window to get a better look.

All I get is an eyeful of a hairy ass chest.

Bosco bends down and waves at us. "Hi."

"Bye, Felicia." I say immediately.

"Tyler, we told you to get snacks and directions, not some fat, shirtless hobo guy!" Ryder exclaims before turning to Bosco. "No offense, fat hobo guy."

"None taken." Bosco waved his hand in dismissal.

"Hop in, Bos." Tyler waves his hand.

"What? Ty!" Ryder whisper shouts.

"Umm," I stick my head out the window and look up at Bosco. "Give us a second."

"Okay." He gives us a thumbs up as I roll up the window.


"Come on, guys." Tyler whines. "He's a hobo."

"Yes. A fat, stinky, shirtless hobo." Blake adds. "And did I mention 'fat'? He could kill us by sitting on us."

"Yeah, there is not enough space back here!" I complain. "We'd be pancakes!"

"Come on, guys. Please? He's a homeless guy and he needs a ride to his tent underneath the bridge." He begs, making the puppy face.

"No, Tyler, don't--fine!" I groan, giving in.

"YAY!" Tyler cheers, leaning back to kiss my cheek. "Love you, sis."

"Whatever." I grumble, crossing my arms. "You got that trick from me."

"Hey, Bosco, hop in!"

Bosco opens the door and slides in with much struggle.

I jump into Blake's lap to avoid being turned into a pancake.

Blake and I stare at him.

Bosco then turns to us and grins, showing us his yellow, decaying teeth.

"Hi." He breaths, making me gag and hide my face in Blake's chest.


"Ry, stop. There's a gas station." Blake points out.

Ryder nods before turning into the small parking lot.

"Gotta pee! Gotta pee! Gotta pee!" I repeat, hopping out of the car, running into the gas station.

"I'll get the snacks and make sure she doesn't kill herself somehow." I faintly hear Blake say.

I run into the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief when I finish doing my business.

I wash my hands before walking out into the main part of the store.

I see Blake leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door, waiting for me.

I stare at him before my lip forms into a pout.

"I don't like the fat, shirtless hobo guy!" I burst out. "He smells like farts!"

He raises an eyebrow before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

"Don't worry, Amore." He soothes. "Only ten more minutes until we get to his bridge."

"And ten more minutes of smelling his stinky fart scent!" I wail, waving my arms around.

"I'll buy you an Oreo cupcake if you shut up."

I snap my mouth shut.


I'm happily licking the frosting off my Oreo cupcake as Blake an I walk outside, Blake carrying plastic bags of snacks.

I look up before dropping my cupcake.

"-and I'm not homeless, you idiots!" Bosco yells out the window of the drivers seat of our car before zooming off.

"My cupcake!" I cry, looking down at the Oreo cupcake which is now lying frosting down on the dirty ground.

I then look at Ryder and Tyler who are standing in the middle of the parking lot with our bags, blankets, pillows and...sleeping bags?

"What. Happened?" I grit my teeth.

"Well, um, looking like we're going camping!" Tyler exclaims, cringing.

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