{22} Dress Shopping (R.I.P Lee)

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Blah blah blah "-dress shopping."

"WHAT?!" I stop daydreaming in the middle of math class and snap my head to Rose, Harmony and Annie. "Dress shopping?!"

"Yeah, Marie needs to buy a wedding dress and we need to buy bridesmaid dresses." Annie tells me.

"Uhm, no." I shake my head.

"Uhm, yes." Harmony mimics me, nodding her head.


"Yes!" Rose exclaims.

"Okay, look. Grandma Stormy doesn't wear dresses, mom doesn't wear dresses and I don't wear dresses."

"Come on, Lee," Annie pleads. "For Marie."

I chew the inside of my cheek before sighing. "Fine."


"You know what? Not fine! Not fine at all! I retract my earlier statement!" I blurt as Rose, Harmony, Annie and Marie drag me to the hundredth store for the day.

"Stop complaining, Lee." Rose rolls her eyes. "You still haven't picked out a dress."

"Marie, why didn't you just pick out matching bridesmaid dressing like normal?" Annie questions. "Lee is giving me a headache."

"Because I want my wedding to be unique." Marie tells her younger sister. "Now hurry up and pick out a dress, Lee."

"Screw picking out a dress." I say. "Let's go watch the 'The War for the Planet of the Apes'."

"You've already seen that movie." Harmony points out.

"Twice." Rose adds.

"But it was such a good movie." I tell them then wipe away a fake tear. "Very sad."

"I know." Kiev pops up from nowhere. "I can't believe Caesar died. Fluff-Fluff and I were shooketh."

"I know right!" I agree with my brother-like cousin.

"Um, SPOILER!" Harmony exclaims, covering her ears. "Blah, blah, blah, can't hear you."

"You can't hear us because no one's talking." I tell her like the smart ass I am.

"Shut up, smart ass." She grumbles.

Just then, Ryder, Tyler, Carter and Paul walk over, Tyler dragging Blake with them.

"Just let me go home! I don't like tuxedo shopping!" He whines cutely like a little kid.

"Wow, who knew you could be a cutie. You're like a little kid complaining about not getting an ice cream." I chuckle, watching his pout turn into a smirk.

"You think I'm a cutie?" He questions smugly.

"That's all you got from what I just said?!" I exclaim. "Boys are so stupid."

Hey!" Ryder, Tyler, Carter, Kiev and Paul all look at me, offended.

"Except you, Paul." I say, watching my brothers including Carter and Kiev glare at me.

"Whatever." Carter rolls his eyes. "Let me guess, Lee hasn't picked out a dress yet?"

"How'd you know?" Marie questions.

"She's my cousin--pretty much my sister. Of course I'd know."

"Well, that's great, because Blake hasn't found a tux either." Kiev jumps in.

"How is that great?" I question, an eyebrow raised.

"Because that Rose and I can go watch the monkey movie before you spoil it, Ryder, Tyler and Kiev can go stuff their faces with candy, Carter and Annie and Marie and Paul can go watch some sappy romantic movie they can make out in." Harmony explains.

"What about us?" Blake asks, gesturing between the two of us.

"You two can go shopping."

"Oh, hell no!" We shout in unison, jumping away from each other.

"Oh, hell yes." Rose mimics. "You both haven't found anything to wear to the wedding. You are going shopping together until you find a dress and a suit. Lee, you pick out Blake's tux. Blake, you pick out Lee's dress."

"There's no way that's happening!" Blake disagrees.


"I can't believe you agreed to have us go shopping because they bribed you with an Oreo cupcake."

"Sowwy." I say as I lick the frosting off of my cupcake.

"I hate you." He grumbles, crossing his arms.

"You love me." I tease.

"I hate you."

"You looove me!" I sing, eating my cupcake.

"I ha--hey, stop that!" He orders when I give him my irresistible puppy dog face which I inherited from my mom, who inherited it from her mom. "Okay, fine, I love you! Jesus!"

Everyone in the store 'awww's'.

"Oh. Come on!" He exclaims. "It's not like that!"

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