Let the Story...Begin

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Dylan's POV

The sounds of the hospital made my nerves cringe. I sat in the chair next to Asia's bed, our daughter on the other side. She was staring at her mother hoping she'd wake up. I held my face into my hands wishing we'd get some type of miracle.

"Mr.Smith?" the doctor walked in making me jump up alert. Azalea was watching me and the doctor.

"Is everything alright? Will she wake up soon?" I asked questions rushing through my mind but unable to speak them. The doctor gave me a grim look before sighing.

"Mr.Smith your wife has slipped into a coma." he said bluntly. My eyes widened but Azalea spoke first,

"But...but she only had a heart attack!" she said tears brimming at her eyes and she rushed over to me, my arm wrapping around her shoulder.

"I'm sorry but the medicine and everything we gave her isn't working. We can only keep her stable for now."  I glanced over at Asia's bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping but the only thing was...would she ever wake up? I nodded and thanked the doctor before he stepped out of the room. A nurse came in.

"I'm just checking her vitals to see how she's doing." she said sympathy in her voice. I nodded and Azalea hugged me crying into my shoulder. I didn't understand. Asia was in perfect health and she had a heart attack come out of no where that induced her into a coma. The nurse left the room and shut the door behind her.

"Dad..is mom going to wake up?" Azalea asked. I didn't know the answer.

"Lea, your mom is a strong person. She will wake up." it felt like a direct lie. Now I know how some doctors and nurses felt when they had to lie to patients. It was a terrible feeling.

"Dad!" Lea cried out rushing over to Asia's bedside. Her vitals began to spike and she began to turn blue, her heart monitor going flat line. I rushed to the door.

"Somebody help!" I yelled and nurses came scrambling in. I pulled Lea away and watched as the nurses shock her chest, trying to get her heart rate back. My phone buzzed and I got irritated. Such bad timing. I frowned.

It was from Jeremy.

Need to talk to you asap. Something's happened to Tyler.

I sucked in a breath.

It was happening all over again.

Jeremy's POV

The ER was crammed with people; those who were sick and had flu like symptoms, those who came in with severe injuries and rushed away to another room and the very minor complaints. But Jeremy and Sebastian weren't in the ER. They were in the ICU. Sebastian stared down at the floor with his head in his hands.

Jeremy glanced over at his wife's heart monitor. It was beeping at a regular heart rate but her skin was pale and sick.  The smell of cleaning supplies, medicine and well...sick people.

"Is mom gonna be okay?" Sebastian looked up at his dad swallowing deeply. Jeremy sighed and sat down next to his son.

"Your mom is tough. She'll get through this." he said wrapping his son around the shoulders with his arm. He had kept in contact with Dylan finding out that Tyler and Asia had similar symptoms and ended up in the hospital cause of an unknown cause for a heart attack and slip into a coma. Something was terribly wrong.

"I dont get it," Jeremy sighed. "Your mother was healthy and just checking up on you this morning. Then she fell." Sebastian looked over at his dad before thinking it over.

"Dad...," he started off, "Didn't mom have similar things like this happen to her in the past? I remember when I was little, when she disappeared and I always asked where she was. You never knew." Jeremy's eyes lit up a little.

He did remember.

It didn't take long before Jeremy knew what was going on.

Jeremy remembered sitting by Tyler's bedside years ago. She was slipping into a vegetated state along with Asia. Both pale and sick.

The only option was to pull the plug.

He refused.

He knew she would survive.

And she did.

"We need to save your mother." he said gripping onto her hand and squeezing it gently.

"Don't worry baby. I'm here." he said before feeling a tear escape his eye.

It was happening all over again...

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